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Thursday, March 9, 2023

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Recommended climate science and energy articles are now at the link below, and thank you for over 574,000 page views here. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

More links to good articles I read today, January 24, 2023, on my two other blogs


Links to the most interesting articles I read today, January 24. 2023

Links to the best climate science and energy articles I read today, January 24. 2023

Netherlands To Shut Down Europe's Largest Gas Field   Netherlands To Shut Down Europe's Largest Gas Field |

California City Gives Up On 100% Renewable Plan California City Gives Up On 100% Renewable Plan |

US NatGas Prices Soar After Freeport "Completed Repairs" Of Damaged Terminal, Aims for Partial Restart   US NatGas Prices Soar After Freeport "Completed Repairs" Of Damaged Terminal, Aims For Partial Restart | ZeroHedge

Affordable Electric Cars “Not Viable”, Says Kia Boss   Affordable Electric Cars "Not Viable", Says Kia Boss – The Daily Sceptic

UK Coal Plants Fired Up AGAIN as Renewable Energy Output Fails   UK Coal Plants Fired Up AGAIN as Renewable Energy Output Fails | Watts Up With That?

Bjorn Lomborg: climate change alarmism and the true cost of net zero   Bjorn Lomborg: climate change alarmism and the true cost of net zero | The Spectator

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #537, by The Science and Environmental Policy Project   Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #537 | Watts Up With That?

Evidence says offshore wind development is killing lots of whales   Evidence says offshore wind development is killing lots of whales | Watts Up With That?

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul cooks with gas stoves while pushing ban in new buildings   NY's Hochul cooks with gas stoves while pushing future ban: critics (

New peak rates mean charging electric cars more expensive than petrol   New peak rates mean charging electric cars more expensive than petrol (

Britain’s Battery Boondoggle Goes Bust   Britain's Battery Boondoggle Goes Bust - Climate Change Dispatch

Does the Oil Industry Have a Future? (Part I)  Does the Oil Industry Have a Future? (Part I) - Master Resource

Thanks, Los Angeles Times and The Seattle Times, for Admitting Recent California Weather is Not Unusual   Thanks, Los Angeles Times and The Seattle Times, for Admitting Recent California Weather is Not Unusual - ClimateRealism

Exposing Gross Hypocrisy That Drives he Climate Industrial Complex   Unholy Alliance: Exposing Gross Hypocrisy That Drives The Climate Industrial Complex – STOP THESE THINGS

Staggering Cost of Using Batteries to ‘Store’ Wind & Solar Power   Simply Staggering: Gobsmacking Cost of Using Batteries to ‘Store’ Wind & Solar Power – STOP THESE THINGS

VIJAY JAYARAJ: Here’s Why The World Is Producing More Food    VIJAY JAYARAJ: Here’s Why The World Is Producing More Food | The Daily Caller