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Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Overview of Earth's Climate History
All we really know for sure is that Earth's climate is always warming, or cooling.
We also know our planet was covered with a lot more ice than we have today at least five times.
Real time temperature measurements have only been compiled since 1880 -- they cover less than 0.0001% of Earth's entire climate history.
The measurements since 1880 were all made during the warming half of a full warming/cooling cycle.
The margin of error of those real time measurements is probably +/-1.0 degree C. … yet government bureaucrats claim impossible to believe accuracy of +/- 0.1 degrees C.
Most 1800s thermometers tend to read low, so the actual warming since 1880 is most likely overstated.
A conservative margin of error of +/- 1.0 degrees C. means there may have been no warming since 1880 … or the warming could have been about +2 degrees C.
Some "global warmunists" try to scare people by claiming + 2 degrees C. of warming since the Industrial Age would be extremely dangerous for our planet (please note there is no science behind that +2 degrees claim).
But the "global warmunists" seem unaware that there has already been at least +5 degrees C. of warming in the past 15,000 years ... and that warming has been wonderful news for humans, animals and plants.
15,000 years ago, my property in Michigan was under a mile of ice.
Does anyone here really think the warming in the past 15,000 years, which melted all "my" ice, was caused by SUVs burning gasoline and power plants burning coal?