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Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Right Climate Change Questions to Ask

The climate science good guys: 
Skeptics who ask questions about climate change instead of jumping to conclusions and/or scaremongering. 

The climate science bad guys: 
People with science degrees wasting time and money, usually taxpayers' money, playing computer games in air conditioned offices, and for four decades they have given the taxpayers nothing but scary climate predictions that are consistently wrong ! 

Scientists who are climate skeptics tend to focus on details, such as average temperatures measurements in tenths of a degree C., and government bureaucrat "adjustments" to raw data.

"Global warmunists" love it when skeptics argue about details -- too busy to ask questions about the basics, such as:

(A) What causes climate change,

(B)  Is the climate in 2015 "normal"?, and

(C) Has climate change in the past 100 years been unusual, or bad news?

Most skeptics ask questions that start too many steps up the climate change "assumption ladder".

They should focus on questioning the popular climate beliefs and assumptions.

They should ask questions that point out how little is actually known about climate change.

I offer a list of 12 'high level' climate questions.
I believe most of them can't be answered.

Without decent answers to these high-level climate change questions,  do more detailed questions matter? 

For example, does it really matter if the average temperature in 2015 was slightly higher, the same, or slightly lower, than in 1998?

Twelve High-Level 
Climate Change Questions 
that Need Answers:

What is a normal climate for our planet ?

Is average temperature a good proxy for the climate of our planet ?

What is a normal average temperature for our planet ?

What is a normal average temperature range over a century ?

Are real time thermometer averages from 1880 to 2015 worth studying when there are no comparable data for the prior 4.5 billion years (99.999% of Earth's history) ?

What evidence proves the future climate can be predicted?

What evidence proves that CO2 rising from 300 to 400 ppmv caused any global warming in the past ?

Is it likely that average temperature data for the 1800s had a margin of error of less than +/- 1.0 degrees C. ?

What evidence supports NASA and NOAA claims of tiny margins of error for their 1880 to 2015 average temperature data ?  (+/- 0.1 and +/- 0.09 degrees C. claimed margins of error, respectively)

What evidence proves the change in the average temperature since 1880 has been abnormal ?

What evidence proves climate change since 1940 has harmed humans, animals and/or plants?
For example:
(a) Is the Earth becoming less "green"?
(b) Is the growing season shrinking?
(c ) Is agricultural output decreasing?

Have "climate scientists" on government payrolls provided taxpayers with anything of value to justify paying any attention to their climate predictions … and continuing to employ them ?