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Friday, March 18, 2016

Climate Change Fantasy

Climate “science” is not real science.

It is smarmy people with science degrees, bribed with large government salaries and grants, sitting in air conditioned offices, with the goal of "proving" manmade carbon dioxide will cause a climate change catastrophe someday.

To “prove” it, they merely convert their unproven “CO2 is evil” beliefs into a computer software model.

They tell the computer CO2 will rise every year from now on.

The computer spits out a piece of paper that says: “Life on Earth will end as we know it”.

The “cure” for every predicted environmental catastrophe
(going back to DDT in the 1960s) is always more central government power, spending, and new taxes on corporations.

The scientists get permanent government jobs, grants, and media attention, for being "concerned" about the future of our planet.
They constantly “adjust” measured actual temperature data to 'prove' their computer game predictions were right all along — why should they trust haphazard outdoor temperature measurements, when they have a computer model that knows all?

This is “Save the Earth Socialism” — the latest way to sell BIG GOVERNMENT socialism
(‘We left wing politicians don’t want more power for ourselves, we want more power to save the Earth for our children!’).

The scientists and their computer games are well paid props for leftist politicians in their quest for more political power.

The general public knows little about climate science.

Few people could write one paragraph on the subject, and even fewer could state the most important points: 

(1) Earth’s climate is always changing,
(2) The cause is still unknown,  and
(3) CO2 is not the “climate controller”.

The general public has no idea the climate today is better than it has been in at least 500 years.

We have faster plant growth from more CO2 in the air, and slightly warmer nighttime lows, cause unknown, compared with the cool centuries from 1300 to 1800.

Both changes -- more CO2 in the air and slightly warmer nighttime lows -- are good news.

The general public doesn't realize the climate is getting better because they have been brainwashed by the climate change cult's grossly inaccurate scary predictions for the past 40 years.

Few people seem to notice that 40 years of wrong predictions, based on the 'CO2 controls the climate theory', means the theory is wrong.

Scared people too quickly surrender their freedom.

This time they are allowing their government to seize more power to fight an imaginary climate change “crisis”, foolishly believing Earth needs saving.

And real pollution problems, such as in China and India, are ignored.