A group of climate activists, climate scientists and adventurers recently started a ship journey around the North Pole to demonstrate to the world how little ice was left in the Arctic.
Their journey was soon blocked by sea ice.
The Polar Ocean Challenge planned a two month trip:
From Bristol, Alaska, to Norway, then to Russia through the North East passage, back to Alaska through the North West passage, to Greenland, and then back to Bristol, Alaska.
They wanted to show “the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was permanently locked up now can allow passage through.”
They got stuck in Murmansk, Russia -- there was too much ice blocking the North East passage -- ice the team claimed no longer existed in summer months.
Current Arctic temperatures were actually colder than normal, despite alarmists' falsely claiming the Arctic was hotter than ever.
A ship blocked by summer ice story is deja vu all over again !
In 2013:
Antarctic research vessel Akademik Shokalskiy became trapped in the ice and 52 crew members had to be rescued.
In 2015:
Canadian ice breaking ship CCGS Amundsen was forced to reroute to help a few supply ships trapped by ice.
Last month Oxford climate scientist Peter Wadhams claimed the Arctic would have very little ice this summer, and would be ‘completely ice-free’ by September of this year.
Wahdams expected less than one million square kilometers of sea ice by summer's end ... a completely ridiculous prediction with the current amount of Arctic sea ice at 10.6 million square kilometers (source: National Snow and Ice Data Center).