The 2016 Democrat Party Platform appears to call for abandoning fossil fuels for electricity generation in the next few decades:
“The Democrats are of the mind that human-caused climate change is one of the major problems facing the country/world today, describing it as ‘an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time.’”
The statement above is evidence that Democrats are in a climate change fantasyland.
The minor warming in the past 150 years is not part of a major problem -- it is good news -- the warming followed six centuries (1250 to 1850) of an unusually cool climate.
There's no physical evidence CO2 threatens humanity, or has more than a minor effect on the average temperature.
There is a huge amount of evidence more CO2 in the air would benefit humanity by accelerating the growth rate of green plants, with little or no effect on the average temperature.
The "coming climate change catastrophe" is a false boogeyman invented by leftist politicians, mainly working at the UN and the EPA, used to scare ordinary citizens into accepting more government control of the private sector.
Scientists still do not understand natural causes of climate change, so they have no way to know if humans have had any effect.
The Democrat Platform wants 50% of electricity from “clean energy sources” within a decade.
The Platform also states:
“We are committed to a national mobilization, and to leading a global effort to mobilize nations to address this threat on a scale not seen since World War II. In the first 100 days of the next administration, the President will convene a summit of the world’s best engineers, climate scientists, policy experts, activists, and indigenous communities to chart a course to solve the climate crisis. Our generation must lead the fight against climate change and we applaud President Obama’s leadership in forging the historic Paris climate change agreement. We will not only meet the goals we set in Paris, we will seek to exceed them and push other countries to do the same by slashing carbon pollution and rapidly driving down emissions of potent greenhouse gases like hydrofluorocarbons."
The statement above is more evidence that Democrats are climate change fantasyland.