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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Climate Science is not Real Science

It was around 2005 when the accurate term 'global warming' began morphing to 'climate change'.

Physicist Joseph Fourier wrote about the greenhouse effect in the 1820s.

The basic science hypothesis about carbon dioxide is from 1896.

The 1896 hypothesis is still used today to claim runaway global warming is in progress, yet it is still an unproven hypothesis.

1998 was a warm year -- warm from an El Nino Pacific Ocean surface temperature peak that was unrelated to CO2.

By 2005, the phrase 'global warming' didn't seem very accurate because the average temperature of Earth had not exceeded 1998, and there was a flat trend for a few years.

So the phrase "climate change" was introduced.

But the phrase "climate change" is meaningless, because Earth's climate is always changing, and has been changing for 4.5 billion years.

= Blamed on climate change.

= Blamed on climate change.

= Blamed on climate change.

Cold winter.
= Blamed on climate change.

= Blamed on climate change.

My knee is sore.
= Blamed on climate change!

The wife is giving me grief again.
= Blamed on climate change!

'Climate change' is always happening, so nothing can prove it wrong!

Based on ideas of Karl Popper in the 1930's, falsifiability is a required property of a real scientific hypothesis.

But it seems that nothing can falsify climate change.

Everything imaginable is used to confirm climate change.

Nothing imaginable can be used to contradict climate change.

The fact that climate change can't be falsified ... means climate change is not real science!

There is no test for climate change.

There is no accurate way to quantify climate change.

There is no way to demonstrate climate change .

"Normal" climate is unknown, so there's no way to know if the current climate is abnormal.

Science is a field that uses observations, logic and experiments to discover facts.

Theories must be based on one or more testable hypotheses.

There is never certainty.

A scientific consensus is meaningless.

In fact, most scientific advances contradict the existing consensus, and advances tend to be resisted by mainstream 'consensus' scientists. 

"Settled science" is an oxymoron.

Ad hominem character attacks by climate change cult members are not science.

Wild guess predictions of the future climate are not real science -- they are nothing more than personal opinions -- and that should be obvious after 40 years of wrong predictions from the climate "models".

Climate models are really computer games with no predictive ability.

They are designed to convert personal opinions, that no one would take seriously, into complex outputs only a climate modeler could understand, with enough math to look 'scientific' !