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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Climate News You Won't Hear

Global average temperatures over land have been falling rapidly since the middle of 2016, per NASA weather satellites.

NASA never mentions weather satellites in their press releases because outsiders control the raw data from them.

NASA only reports data from much less accurate surface thermometers.

But surface measurements only cover roughly half the surface of the Earth.

And that means roughly half the data are wild guesses.

NASA likes that.

All the wild guesses result in "adjusted" data, that for some reason (probably not good science), always show more warming than the satellite data.

Recently, the satellite-surface temperature difference has been bigger than ever.

That happens because NASA owns the raw surface data, and arbitrarily "adjusts" their data to show whatever global warming they want to show.

And what they want to show is constant global warming.

Because that's what their climate models have predicted.

Predictions never have to be wrong if you own and "adjust" the actuals.

A large recent temperature decline over land was caused by the end of El Nino
(cyclical warming of surface waters in a large area of the Pacific Ocean west of Central America).

El Ninos are local weather events big enough to increase the average temperature of our planet.

The 2015-2016 El Nino was the strongest since accurate satellite measurements began in 1979 -- some ocean water was up to +3 degrees C. warmer than usual.

An El Nino releases warm water from beneath the surface of the western tropical Pacific, and places the warm water on the surface.

A La Nina that follows an El Nino recharges the heat lost from below the surface of the tropical Pacific by:
(1) Decreasing regional cloud cover,
(2) Allowing more sunlight to reach the ocean,
(3) Warming the ocean to depth.

El Ninos ventilate heat that was stored in the ocean, where it did not affect the surface air temperature.

No one knows how much heat has been stored in the oceans, or when it was first stored there.

Top oceanographers think oceans are not yet in equilibrium with the atmosphere -- heat stored in the oceans for millennia is still ventilating into the atmosphere.

A full El Nino warming / La Nina Pacific Ocean cycle does not equal a zero effect on the average temperature of Earth, although it may be close to zero.

The strong 1998 El Nino warming in 1998, for example, did not appear to be close to being completely reversed by the following La Nina
(there could be another explanation for this).

Satellite measurements over land respond quickly to El Nino and La Nina events.

Satellite measurements over the sea don't change as fast because the sea holds heat longer.

2015 and 2016 were warm years mainly because of a very strong El Nino, which has nothing to do with carbon dioxide.

The mainstream press and Obama government will never tell you El Ninos are short-term local weather events in the Pacific Ocean unrelated to carbon dioxide .... but they are strong enough to affect the average temperature of our planet.

Meanwhile, our government consistently lies to us by:
(1) Claiming CO2 is the only cause of global warming,

(2) Never mentioning the Earth has been either warming or cooling for 4.5 billion years,

(3) Implying the climate is abnormal, when the slight warming in the past 135 years is an unusually stable climate
(average temperature remaining within in a 1 degree C. range).