Most global warming skeptics have rational scientific / engineering minds that come to conclusions based on data, facts, logic and common sense.
Climate cult leftists can not be reasoned out of their global warming beliefs ... because they were never reasoned into them in the first place.
Rational skeptics are reluctant to use character attacks and ridicule to put the climate change leftists (warmunists) on defense.
That good behavior is counterproductive when dealing with warmunists.
If President Trump has taught us one thing, it's how to fight leftist character attacks by simultaneously character attacking them!
A skeptic can't win a debate with a leftist by being calm, polite, and rational … and that’s assuming he'd be willing to debate — debate is something leftists avoid.
Unfortunately, many skeptics think the global warming scare is just misguided science.
Global warming is not science -- it's politics.
The global warming scare is a false boogeyman created with the primary the goal of increasing political power.
The warmunists that created the global warming scare start with a conclusion of runaway global warming -- that would make a good science fiction movie -- and then cherry pick data that superficially appear to support their conclusion.
If warmunists can’t find supporting data, they create it out of thin air, such as:
(1) Phony 97% Consensus "studies",
(2) Bogus Mann Hockey Stick Chart, and
(3) Wild guess climate model (wrong) predictions.
Climate models predictions are actually just personal opinions of a small subset of scientists (modelers).
Personal opinions are not very persuasive.
So the climate modelers cleverly disguise their personal opinions as something much more complex and important ... by the use of complicated math and computer processing.
But having a science PhD does not change a personal opinion about the future climate into a fact.
If a skeptic wants to debate a global warming cult member, he is usually ridiculed and character attacked.
Allowing any debate implies the opposing skeptic was actually worthy of debate -- that would give him credibility and publicity, not to mention the skeptic could win the debate (and that's why debate is avoided -- read Saul Alinsky’s two books to better understand this tactic).
I can't recall any political positions where leftists have changed their beliefs to match conservatives or Republicans.
Leftists will sometimes change their positions, but only to move further left.
Unfortunately, climate scientists who are skeptics have gotten nowhere with strong rational arguments.
Skeptics need to character attack the climate scaremongers to get attention, and put them on the defensive.
The skeptics who launch the character attacks must include high level people, such as President Trump and Vice President Pence -- people who must be willing to take a tremendous amount of verbal abuse in response.
Trump is a tough guy -- I hope he has the courage to ridicule the climate change cult (I doubt it, but I can always hope).
Climate change has become an important selling point for socialism ("We are trying to save the Earth").
Leftists will go berserk (even more than usual) if their coming global warming catastrophe boogeyman is attacked by Trump (and I assume he knows that).
But ... leftists are going to hate Trump whether he ridicules the climate change scaremongers or not, so what does he have to lose?