After 40 years of wasting taxpayers' money to play computer games and make wrong predictions about a coming climate change catastrophe, the "warmunists" deserve all the ridicule I heap upon them.
Climate modelers have destroyed the integrity of science by continuing to make scary climate predictions while completely ignoring their past 40 years of wrong predictions (starting with predictions of a coming global cooling catastrophe by some climate "scientists" in the mid-1970s).
The coming climate catastrophe is a hoax because no human has the ability to predict the future climate.
The coming climate catastrophe is a scam because quite a few people have made money off a heavily government subsidized "green" industry, that does not deserve any subsidies.
When you are part of a hoax, that is also used as a scam to make money, you deserve ridicule and character attacks, Saul Alinsky-style.
That's why I've used the word "warmunist" in the past.
However, I've been thinking about a new name for a long time, and one I've come up with is the 8C Cult:
Caucasian Capitalist CO2-Caused Coming Climate Change Catastrophe Cult