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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

"Climate Change' is a left-wing secular religion

The claim that we are living in the early stages of what will become runaway global warming has nothing to do with science.

It is a secular religious belief with no evidence to support it at all.

There is some evidence from laboratory experiments that a doubling of CO2 will increase the average temperature +1 degree C. in real life.

If you blame ALL the warming since 1850 on CO2 — and even the IPCC doesn’t do that — you could claim there is sketchy, rough evidence the past doubling of CO2 added +1 degree.

If the lab experiments do apply to real life, which I doubt, and CO2 levels continue to rise about 2ppm per year, then we will have + 1 degree of warming 200 years from now (
less warming if negative feedback damps the warming effect of CO2).

The warmists’ claim that some bizarre, huge positive feedback, not apparent in any climate proxy studies, or in any real-time temperature measurements since 1850, will triple the +1 degree direct CO2 warming,  

is a complete fabrication intended to scare people, 
get attention, and get government funding 
for “further studies”.

The claim of a coming climate catastrophe is a left-wing fantasyland – the current climate in 2017 is wonderful, a little warmer at night than 150 years ago, and more CO2 in the air is greening the Earth.

The average temperature has stayed in a harmless 1 degree C. range since 1880
(+1 degree warming with a margin of error of at least +/- 1 degree C.), and has barely changed since the early 2000s, in spite of lots of CO2 added to the air since then.

The current climate is wonderful 

for people, animals and plants …
… as government bureaucrats 

who call themselves “scientists” 
make up scary climate fantasies,
refuse to debate their fantasies,
claim the science is settled,
as if science is EVER settled,
and character attack all doubters,
making themselves look like 

the hostile fools they are …
greedy, well paid fools, 

but certainly fools.

The coming climate catastrophe is a fantasy, supported ONLY by computer games whose temperature predictions have been grossly inaccurate -- consistently wrong for the past 30 years.

The fact that these unproven ‘climate religion beliefs’ are used to make public policies just shows how dumb American leaders have been.

The claim that humans can predict the future climate is the biggest hoax in human history, and the hoax is very obvious now that we have 30 years of grossly inaccurate computer game temperature predictions to laugh at !