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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Other Reading -- Off Topic

As a libertarian since the mid-1970s (formerly a liberal, way back when they opposed the government in the Vietnam era), I believe I can comment on Republicans or Democrats with only one bias.

My bias is that I support a smaller, less powerful central government ... but neither Republicans or Democrats are interested in that. 

I voted for only one Republican in my entire life -- Ronald Reagan in 1980 -- thinking he favored a smaller government too ... and I was wrong about that.

My least favorite candidate in the 2016 election was Hillary Clinton, mainly because the Clintons are liars who got very rich with charity fraud. 

My second to least favorite candidate was Donald Trump, who sounded like a not very bright used car salesman to me ... particularly annoying because his promises added up to a huge amount of government spending ... while threatening trade wars with other nations, both of which are bad economics ! 

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