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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Be skeptical like a real scientist

“Be Skeptical 
of Those 
Who Treat Science
as an Ideology”, 
appeared in the 
Wall Street Journal, 
by Dr. Sue Desmond-Hellmann,
who is the CEO of the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Dr. Desmond-Hellmann 
believes in the 
scientific method,
and discusses 
the difference 
between anti-science 
and skepticism.

"The Bill & Melinda 
Gates Foundation
uses a data-driven, 
decision-making model." 

"When the evidence changes, 
so does our strategy—
as it did with malaria." 

"Once it was clear 
that controlling the disease
world-wide was practically 
and politically unsustainable, 
we increased our focus 
on accelerating elimination 
in regions where it is 
feasible now."

"How many more 
people benefit
—and how quickly—
will depend in part 
on public confidence 
in science."

“The scientific method 
is not a belief system, 
it is a practice." 

"We would all benefit 
from more practice.”

“Skepticism is the lifeblood 
of scientific progress."

"It is not 
 to be skeptical
—it’s definitively 

“But whereas skepticism
and uncertainty have 
always been the heart 
and soul of science, 
confidence and certainty 
are the coin of the realm 
in much of today’s
public discourse." 

"Unquestioning confidence 
is deeply troubling for 
the scientific community 
because it is not 
the currency we trade in, 
and it has led people 
in America and a
round the world 
to question 

"We should all be troubled 
when science is treated 
as if it were an ideology 
rather than a discipline.”

"Whether it is medicine or 
establishing government 
energy policy, applying
the scientific method, 
and constantly 
questioning assumptions 
as evidence changes 
is essential."

“The point of science 
is not to produce doctrine, 
but to collect and test evidence 
that points toward conclusions, 
which in turn inform approaches, 
treatments and policies 
based on rigorous research." 

"These conclusions are provisional." 

"Scientists talk about skepticism 
to assert that nothing 
should be accepted 
or rejected without 
considerable evidence."

My comment:
Science is not advanced
by a government 
bureaucrat "consensus" 
led by leftist politicians,
who character attack
skeptics who question 
their assumptions, 
and especially their
wild guess predictions,
of the future climate.