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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Greening the Earth with CO2 - Part 3

NASA said this in 2016:

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization 
Greening Earth, Study Finds

“From a quarter to half 
of Earth’s vegetated lands 
has shown significant greening 
over the last 35 years 
largely due to rising levels 
of atmospheric carbon dioxide, 
according to a new study 
published in the journal 
Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors 
from 24 institutions in eight countries 
led the effort, which involved 
using satellite data from NASA’s 
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer 
and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration’s Advanced Very High 
Resolution Radiometer instruments 
to help determine the leaf area index, 
or amount of leaf cover, 
over the planet’s vegetated regions. 

The greening represents an increase 
in leaves on plants and trees equivalent 
in area to two times the continental United States.”