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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sea Level Measured With Satellites ?

Temperature calculations 
from weather satellite data 
originally had minor errors 
in the measurements.

That allegedly led to skepticism 
about the methodology.

The real reason for fake skepticism 
was the surface temperature 
"measurements" were mainly 
wild guesses for areas 
with no thermometers.

When government bureaucrats 
with science degrees 
got to wild guess 
temperatures for a
majority of the planet's surface, 
they could announce any number 
they wanted to tell the public.   

Weather satellites miss 
only small areas above both poles
 -- so there is very little opportunity 
to wild guess ("infill") numbers.

The fake "science" 
of climate alarmism 
DEPENDS on the ability 
to wild guess numbers, 
and "adjust" raw data 

Minor changes in satellite orbits 
were not originally recognized, 
but when recognized, 
temperature calculations 
were changed

Government bureaucrats still ignore 
temperature calculations 
from weather satellites because they
show significantly less warming 
than the mainly wild guessed surface data.

Government bureaucrats 
also ignore the fact 
that satellite temperature data 
are independently verified 
by similar weather balloon data.

The same government bureaucrats 
jumped to use satellite data 
for sea level rise 
... because they showed 
much faster rise 
than land based sea gages.

The bureaucrats include 
the UN Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC), 
which is a political organization, 
and "scientific" organizations 
such as US's NASA and NOAA.

All three promote 
data-free climate alarmism, 
using scary, wrong predictions 
of the future climate.

They, and the mainstream media, 
ignore 30 years of wrong predictions!

Satellite measurements 
of global sea level 
have existed since 1992

Complex analyses transform 
raw satellite measurements 
into sea level variations, 

The data are from aging, 
and changing, satellites. 

Satellite estimates 
of sea level changes 
have many uncertainties.

More work needs to be done 
to calibrate satellite altimeter 
measurements against the 
global network of tide gauges
-- there are big differences.

And as usual, 
government bureaucrats 
ALWAYS choose 
whatever measurement methodology
shows the most warming,
or the fastest sea level rise! 

needlessly speculate 
on an unrealistic 
sea level rise predictions.

For one example, from 2016:
Tampa Bay Climate Science Advisory Panel 
(CSAP) concluded that the Tampa Bay region 
may experience sea level rise
between 1 to 7 feet by 2100.

The 1-foot rise in the next 84 years 
was an extrapolation from local tidal gages. 

The 7-foot rise was from NOAA satellites
 -- the high estimates from IPCC reports.

One foot to seven feet is not a conclusion.

It is wild speculation on sea level rise 
by government bureaucrats 
who have no idea 
what they are talking about.