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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sea level rise -- US NOAA vs. US NASA

Real science is never settled.

Sea level rise 
is not even settled 
within the US government !

The only agreement is that
sea level rose about 400 feet
since peak glaciation
about 20,000 years ago.

Important Question:
  How much of the 400 foot
sea level rise 
caused by global warming,
assuming man made CO2 
is the ONLY cause of 
global warming after 1940.

Important Answer:
   Only three to six inches,
out of the 400 foot rise,
assuming CO2 is responsible
for ALL the warming since 1940,
when the era of adding 
man made CO2 began. 
(Note that there is no
scientific proof that CO2
caused ANY of the warming 
since 1940)

Tide gages are only suited 
to help provide data
for shipping traffic,
on the water depth
at a specific location.

Tide gages are located 
on moving bases (land).

There is vertical movement
of the land 
supporting the tide gage, 
that can't be differentiated 
from vertical movement 
of the sea (sea level rise).

It is typical to have the
sea surface rising a little,
and the land the tide gage
is mounted on, 
moving down a little.  

That's true for most US 
east coast tide gages,
for example. 

Tide gages actually measure 
local relative sea level 
-- the height of the water,
measured along the coast, 
relative to a specific point 
on land.

The tide gage measurement
includes downward vertical 
land movement of an 
unknown amount.

Trying to measure 
absolute global sea level
with tide gages, is like
measuring the height
of people worldwide, 
with every person
standing on a platform 
that is moving up or down.

No amount of averaging 
would provide a useful answer
for the average height.

I've just described 
the problem from using
local tide gages 
to estimate an average 
absolute global sea level.

Sea level seems like
a simple concept, 
but is not. 

For one example,
each end of the Panama Canal 
has a different sea level ! 

US Commerce Department's 
NOAA says: 
“global sea level rise is believed to be 
+1.7  +/- 0.3 millimeters per year 
during the 20th century”.

But NASA is currently claiming: 
"+3.0  +/- 0.4 mm per year.”

Of course I'm assuming 
the end of the 20th century
is similar to “currently”.

NOAA says that tide gages 
measure changes of 
local relative sea level 
(mostly vertical 
land movements).

Tide gages alone 
are not suitable
for determining 
a global average 
of absolute 
sea level changes.

But modern tide gages, 
used with continuously operating
GPS reference stations 
attached to the same structure 
the tide gage is attached to, 
CAN measure the actual rise 
of the surface of the oceans
after subtracting the
vertical land movements.

Downward vertical 
land movement
is usually caused
by movement of 
Earth’s crust, 
compaction of the soil 
(landfill is often added 
before building 
docks and piers,
where tide gages 
are located), 
and sometimes from
water and oil extraction.

NOAA claims a global absolute 
sea level rise of about +1.7 mm/year.  

Vertical land movement 
along most of the US east coast 
is similar, usually less than 5 mm/yr.

NOAA has a “Comparison of 
northern Atlantic station trends” 
for various ports, 
along the US east coast
-- they range from a +1.5 mm/yr. 
rise to almost a +6 mm/year rise.

That doesn't mean 
the Atlantic Ocean 
is rising three times faster 
at the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel 
(+5.92 mm/year.) 
than at Southport, N.C. 
(+2.01 mm/year.) !

NOAA states: 
"The (tide gage) graphs 
give an indication 
of the differing rates 
of vertical land motion, 
given that the absolute 
global sea level rise is 
believed to be 
1.7 +/- 0.3 millimeters / year 
during the 20th century."

"These charts ... do not show 
how much the surface of the sea 
is rising (or falling) --
— they do not show absolute 
sea level rise or fall."  

"They show relative 
sea level trends for
individual tide gage locations, 
and taken together,
simply demonstrate visually 
the differing rates of 
vertical land motion 
between the stations."

Tide gages can only be used 
to measure local relative sea level, 
and its changes. 

Comparing one tide gauge to another 
only gives us “an indication of the 
differing rates of vertical land motion”.

For tide gage data to be useful 
for determining actual changes 
in absolute sea surface height, 
the tide gage must have 
an associated Global
Positioning (by) Satellite
(GPS) reference station.

There must be a 
continuously operating 
GPS reference station 
mounted on the same structure 
that the tide gauge is mounted on,
so we can precisely determine 
vertical land movement (VLM) 
of the tide gauge.

(link to my February 24 article on 
satellite derived sea level rise

Satellite-derived sea level data 
may be useful someday, 
but have too many issues now.

NASA uses them because they
show much more sea level rise
than tide gages do -- warmists
almost always select whatever
data show the most sea level rise,
or the most warming -- they ignore
all other data that don't support
their "cause" as much --
data accuracy means 
nothing to the warmists !

Satellite altimetry 
is a complex calculation 
with a dozen or so 
and “adjustments”,
all of which are 
of a greater magnitude 
than the change 
in sea surface height !

The NASA data using
satellite data since 1993,
are not really a sea level

They are "adjusted" data,
based on a theory.

For one example of tide gages
versus satellites, from 2016:
  The Tampa Bay 
Climate Science Advisory Panel 
(CSAP) concluded that 
the Tampa Bay region 
may experience sea level rise
between 1 to 7 feet, by 2100.

-- The 1-foot rise 
in the next 84 years 
was an extrapolation 
based on tide gage data. 

-- The 7-foot rise 
in the next 84 years
was an extrapolation
based on satellite data 
since 1993.

One foot to seven feet, 
is not a conclusion.

It's wild speculation 
on sea level rise 
by government bureaucrats 
who have no idea 
what they are talking about.

NOAA’s long-term 
tide gage trend 
does NOT radically 
accelerate after 1993, 
like NASA's 
sea level trend does, 
by switching to satellite data,
and ignoring tide gage data,
after 1992.

NOAA's tide gage data 
are almost perfectly linear.

"Linear" means 
of sea level rise after 1940, 
the start of the era of adding 
man made CO2 to the air.

Acceleration of sea level rise 
could be a "signature"
of global warming from 
from man made CO2.

Sea level expert 
Nils-Axel Mörner 
reduces the sea level rise
trend to near zero, 
and includes the possibility 
of falling sea levels.

Perhaps, in the future, 
we'll have adequate 
tide gage / global positioning
data to differentiate between
sea level rise and
vertical land movement,
at each tide gage station ?

Perhaps, in the future,
we'll have adequate and
accurate satellite data 
to verify the tide gage /
global positioning data,
resulting in the first ever
accurate, and verified, 
estimates of absolute 
global sea level rise?

But ... please remember that
accurate sea level rise data 
can easily be compromised 
("fixed with unjustified "adjustments"),
by leftist government bureaucrats, 
who want to show more sea level
rise, simply because that is 
exactly what they believe in, 
and have predicted for decades.

No one wants to be known 

for their wrong predictions !