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Friday, April 6, 2018

Political Correctness Annoys Me Again !

About a year or two ago, 
we started receiving
letters from our gas company, 
Consumers Power, 
comparing our natural gas use,
with usage by nearby homes 
of similar sizes.

What a waste of paper and postage
 -- why would I care about 
someone else's house?

Is there supposed 
to be a competition
for who uses 
the least natural gas ?

Yesterday we received 
our electric bill,
with a pamphlet
titled Michigan Green Power.

This is a "program" 
where you "choose the
percentage of energy use 
you'd like to attribute to 
local wind and solar projects".

It appears that the 
percentage you choose
will change your electric bill 
... at least until you 
change your mind
( there is no contract ).

I assume your bill 
will increase somewhat
if you want more 
"wind and solar", 
and less coal usage.

You can also virtue signal,
for your business,
or for your home, 
by claiming to be 
"Green-e Energy Certified"  
if you choose 25% or more
wind and solar power.

I support more CO2 in the air,
so I will ask for 0% solar and wind
power, because they don't create
beneficial CO2 that is greening 
our planet, and making cold latitudes
slightly warmer at night,

Only science deniers 
will demand expensive
energy from low density, 
intermittent energy sources, 
such as wind and solar,
that do not green the Earth,
or warm Arctic nights.