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Thursday, April 19, 2018

The real harm from climate change

The causes of minor variations 
of the average temperature --
(up or down one degree C., 
over one or two centuries),
-- are a scientific mystery.

Fortunately, small changes
of the average temperature,
whether one degree or two, 
are harmless.

The real harm is indirect,
caused by government policy 
overreactions to wild guesses
of the future climate, 
made by smarmy leftist 
government bureaucrats
with science degrees,
whose climate predictions 
have been very wrong 
for the past 30 years !

We really do not know
the actual influence 
of carbon dioxide 
on Earth's climate.

But we can estimate
a worst case warming
assumption for CO2:
   If we assume
ALL the warming since 1850 
was caused ONLY by CO2, 
then that WORST CASE 
CO2 warming estimate 
tells us the CO2 greenhouse effect,
at worst, would be harmless
in the long run !

We really don't know much 
about the causes of climate
change ... even though a lot
of politicians, left wing activists,
and government bureaucrats 
who happen to have science degrees, 
falsely claim to know what the climate 
will be like in 100 years ... and in their
devious minds, the future climate 
will be a disaster, unless people 
do everything they say now, 
without question ! 

I don't take advice from power
hungry leftists -- this blog is a 
public service to refute leftist
scaremongering about fossil fuels
and carbon dioxide.

Based on real science,
which includes thousands
of plant growth experiments,
(rather than the usual
climate junk science
-- the wrong wild guesses
of the future climate),
anyone with sense 
would want MORE CO2 
in the atmosphere,
to accelerate the growth
of plants used for food
by humans and animals,
and "green" the Earth.

If a side effect of more CO2 
in the air is nighttime warming 
from a greenhouse effect, 
then it will be mild warming, 
that will mainly affect
the colder latitudes,
where the warmer nights
will be celebrated ! 

That is NOT what has 
actually happened since 1975 -- 
Expected Arctic warming happened,
but expected Antarctica warming
did not happen ... 
which could mean Arctic warming
was NOT caused by 
a greenhouse effect from CO2.

Averaging Arctic and Antarctica 
temperatures by using
a global average temperature,
hides the important details 
that I just mentioned,
so 'warmists' always do that !

If you focus ONLY on
the global average temperature:
  The actual warming since 1940
(considered to be the beginning
of significant man made CO2
emissions) was mild -- 
and only about one-third 
of the warming predicted 
by government bureaucrats 
and their computer games !

Why do the bureaucrats
keep forecasting so much
global warming, when
for the past 30 years,
the actual warming was
so much less, 
and far from "global" ?

Because they can,
and no one in the
mainstream media
 (95% leftist) 
will ever point out 
their inaccurate predictions
in the past 30 years ! 

Junk climate science, 
supported by mainstream 
media parrots, have created
a fake climate change crisis.

Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, MI 
... still cold here April 19, 2018
Where's that global warming
we were promised since the 1980s ?

BS 1975 
-- SUNY Albany

MBA 1977 
-- NYU Stern School of Business

TBW since 1977
-- Trained-By-Wife

Libertarian since 1975

Will not eat Brussels sprouts,
even if wrapped in bacon.

Audiophile since 1965:
- My current favorite happy song: My Girl

or this cover

- My current favorite sexy song: So In Love
- My current favorite sad song: Arlington