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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Dr. Willie Soon, PhD -- INTERVIEW

Grégoire Canlorbe 
is the vice president 
of the French Parti 
( conservative, 
nationalist, and
ree-marketist ). 

Dr. Willie Soon is 
an independent 
solar physicist at the 
Center for Astrophysics 
who has been 
studying the Sun 
and its influence 
on the Earth’s climate
for more than a 
quarter of a century.  

          The complete interview transcript is at the URL below:

My summary of selected 
questions and quotes, 
formatted for easy reading,
is below:

Climate change 
is surely nothing new. 

It is a long-established, 
cyclical behavior 
of our planet, 
which has long 
been oscillating 
between glaciations 
and interglacial 
warm periods. 

Should we diagnose 
Mother Nature 
with a bipolar disorder?

Dr. Soon: 
Earth’s climate system 
dynamically oscillates 
between icehouse and 
hothouse conditions 
in geological time or, 
to a lesser degree, 
between the glacial 
and interglacial climates 
of the last 1–2 million years. 

But, as with many 
interesting questions 
about the Earth’s climate, 
there is no certain answer. 

The data do not support 
over-simplistic accounts.

Sea level rise 
– mother of all scares
I was fascinated 
to discover that
changing sea levels, 
including extremely high 
global sea levels 
65–250 feet (20–75 m) 
above today’s mean, 
occurred during the 
“hothouse Earth” era

In addition 
to the ever-changing 
shape and depth 
of the ocean basins 
and coastal zone boundaries, 
one must also bear in mind 
the “leaky Earth”:
   There appears to be 
a continuous exchange of water
between the ocean bottom 
and the Earth’s crust, 
as Professor Shige Maruyama 
of Tokyo Institute of Technology 
has shown.

Sea level has risen 
by 400 feet 
over the past 10,000 years. 

For the past 200 years 
it has been rising 
at about 8 inches 
per century, 
and that rate 
may well continue. 

It has very little to do 
with global warming 
and much more to do 
with long-term 
climate cycles. 

In fact, so slowly 
has sea level been rising 
that environmental-extremist 
scientists have tampered 
with the raw data 
by adding an imagined 
(and imaginary) 
“global isostatic adjustment”,
torturing the data 
until they show 
a rate of sea-level rise 
that has not in reality occurred.

You suggest 
that the Sun’s behavior 
is the driving force 
of climate warming, 
not factory smokestacks, 
urban sprawl or 
our sins of emission. 

Would you 
like to remind us 
of the keystones 
of your hypothesis?

Dr. Soon: 
For a quarter of a century 
I have studied the hypothesis 
that solar radiation 
is causing 
or at lest modulating 
climatic variations 
over periods 
of several decades. 

I have sought the best 
empirical evidence 
to show how changes
in incoming solar radiation, 
accounted for by 
intrinsic solar magnetic 
modulation of 
the irradiance output 
as well as 
planetary modulation 
of the seasonal distribution 
of sunlight, affects the 
thermal properties 
of land and sea, 
including temperatures. 

In turn, temperature change 
affects atmospheric water vapor 
as well as the more 
dynamical components
of equator-to-pole insolation 
and of temperature gradients 
that vary on timescales 
of decades to hundreds of years.

In the view of many, 
IPCC’s predictions 
based on 
computer models 
are little better 
than Tarot cards 
and astrological 

Given your expertise 
in solar and stellar physics, 
do you see solid reasons 
not to regard astrology 
as reliable?

Dr. Soon: 
"... I wish to say something 
about the misuse of 
computer climate models 
by the United Nations’ IPCC 
as a supposed “scientific” mode 
of divining the Earth’s climate 
over the next 20, 50, 100, 1,000 
or even 100,000 years. 

Dr. Dallas Kennedy 
has coined the phrase 
“uncontrolled numerical 
approximations” for all 
climate model simulations 
inconsistent with 
the observed climate 
and insufficiently scrutinized.

The current state 
of our understanding 
of the dynamical evolution 
and variability 
of the Earth’s climate, 
in the observational 
as much as in 
the theoretical domain, 
is so immature that, 
as prudent and careful scientists, 
we should stop and think. 

I am confident that, 
even if we were able to find 
some “agreement” 
between the outputs of 
the current generation 
of climate models 
and the available 
and observations, 
we ought to be cautious, 
because we can be 
almost 100% certain 
that the apparent agreement 
is fundamentally incorrect.

Let us heed the caution raised 
by the world’s most knowledgeable 
atmospheric physicist, Professor 
Richard Siegmund Lindzen 
of the Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology:

What historians 
will definitely wonder about 
in future centuries 
is how deeply flawed logic, 
obscured by shrewd 
and unrelenting propaganda, 
actually enabled a coalition 
of powerful special interests 
to convince nearly everyone 
in the world that CO2 
from human industry 
was a dangerous, 
planet-destroying toxin. 

It will be remembered as 
the greatest mass delusion
in the history of the world 
– that CO2, the life of plants, 
was considered for a time 
to be a deadly poison.