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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Temperature Instrument measurement resolution:

Best-case historical 
19th to mid-20th century 
liquid-in-glass (LiG) 
had 1 degree C. 

That means the best-case 
temperature resolution 
is ±0.25 C.

Sea surface "bucket" 
LiG thermometers
through the 20th century
also had 1 degree C. 

The same ±0.25 C. 
best case laboratory
resolution limit applies.

The best American 
ship-board engine-intake 
included 2 degrees F. 
(~1 degree C.) 

There were 2 degrees C. 
gradations on British ships,
so the best possible resolution 
for them is about ±0.50 C. 

The detection limits 
of the instruments 
allows us to estimate 
the uncertainty 
in any surface 
temperature record.

The government bureaucrats
compiling the global temperature
have ignored the detection limits 
of their instruments. 

Even worse, a majority of the planet
has no measurements at all --
so temperatures for those areas
are guessed by bureaucrats,
and their guesses (aka "Infilling")
can never be verified, or falsified.

It is very unlikely
that average global 
surface temperature, 
since 1850, 
can be known 
within ±1 degree C.
prior to 1980, 
or within ±0.5 C 
after 1990, 
at the 95% 
confidence level.

claim a fake +/- 0.1 degree C. 
margin of error.

Then they ignore their
own fake margin of error
by claiming one year was
a few hundredths 
of a degree C. warmer
than the prior year !

Including reasonable 
margins or error,
of +/- 1 degree C.,
there is nothing 
in the surface 
temperature record
since 1880.

Surface temperature data
would be laughed at 
by any other physical science, 
outside of modern climate "science",
for LACKING standardization, 
quality control, and a minimum of 
annual instrument calibrations
and inspections of changes 
to the environment surrounding 
the measurement instrument.