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Sunday, June 3, 2018

The United Nations has tried to become the world environment 'czar'

The United Nations is an organization 
that claims the most evil nation 
in the world is (your guess?):
(1) North Korea, 
(2) Syria, 
(3) Iran, 
(4) Cuba, or
(5) Venezuela ?  

Of course it makes no sense
that the UN's answer is: "Israel",
and it also makes no sense 
that the UN has used junk science
to demonize carbon dioxide (CO2)
in their failed effort to become
a 'World Environment Czar'.

The definition of climate: 
Average weather over 30 years or more.

The United Nations began promoting 
environmental concerns in 1971 
with the Conference on the 
Human Environment in Founex, 
Switzerland, organized by 
Maurice Strong. 

Maurice Strong was also 
the Secretary-General 
of the 1972 Stockholm Conference 
on the Human Environment. 

The 1972 Stockholm Conference 
led to the creation of the 
United Nations Environment 
with Maurice Strong 
as its first Executive Director 

In 1989 Maurice Strong 
began preparations for the
United Nations Conference 
on Environment and Development 
held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 
(“The Earth Summit”). 

Mr. Strong, a Canadian, 
has made many statements 
against the middle class 
in the industrialized world. 

Mr. Strong declared that:
"the United States 
is clearly the greatest risk" 
to the world’s ecological health"
 ... "in effect, the United States 
is committing environmental 
aggression against 
the rest of the world." 

The UN's IPCC 
(Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change) 
was formed in 1988 
to assess “the scientific, 
technical and socioeconomic 
information relevant for the 
understanding of the risk 
of human-induced 
climate change.”

At first, the IPCC defined 
climate change as 
“any change in climate over time,
whether due to natural variability
or as a result of human activity."

But the IPCC was mandated 
by the UN Framework Convention 
on Climate Change 
to redefine climate change 
as human-caused climate change, 
and disregard naturally caused 
climate change. 

So "natural variability" has been ignored.

“Human-induced climate change” 
was assumed, but never proven: 
  The IPCC has not provided 
any scientific proof 
that man made CO2 
caused the global warming 
from 1975 to 2000.

The IPCC relies on 
computer climate models 
based on their assumption 
that anthropogenic (man made) 
CO2 has controlled 
the average temperature 
of our planet since 1975.

Politicians decide which scientists 
are allowed to participate in 
the IPCC writing and review process.

As a result, the IPCC heavily relies
on environmental advocacy groups 
when compiling its official reports.

The IPCC even uses 
advocacy group personnel 
as lead authors, 
and sometimes uses 
their publications 
as source documents!

The well known IPCC's "Summary 
for Policymakers" is the product 
negotiations among governments,
and was not written by scientists
 ... whose back-up documents 
are released months later, 
hoping no one will read them 
and compare them 
with the Summary!

Before 1940, warming and cooling 
were explained by natural factors, 
even though people 
have been adding CO2 to the air 
since the late 1800s.

The IPCC blamed man made aerosols 
(air pollution) for blocking sunlight, 
and causing COOLING,
from 1940 to 1975.

I guess all the aerosols 
fell out of the sky in 1975, 
because there was
WARMING from 1975 to 2000, 
which was blamed 
on man made CO2.

The IPCC has never 
tried to explain 
how 4.5 billion years 
of natural climate change 
suddenly stopped in 1940.

There is no IPCC explanation
for one good reason: 
   Their claim is ridiculous, 
so no logical explanation is possible. 

The IPCC relies on computer models 
based on the false claim that CO2
became the 'climate controller' 
in 1975 -- and that's why the models 
have made wrong climate predictions 
for the past 30 years!

I have read newspaper articles 
going back to the early 1900s 
that feature climate scaremongering 
- each time a scientist 
receives media attention 
by predicting a global cooling 
or warming crisis 
many years in the future.

In the mid-1970s, for example, 
there were many media reports 
about the coming ice age.

Scientists were involved 
in that false scare, 
but at the time 
very few scientists 
made long-term 
climate predictions.

Starting about ten years later, 
anyone who wanted to be 
called a "climate scientist", 
and avoid character attacks 
from intolerant leftists, 
was pressured to claim 
CO2 controls the climate, 
and is dangerous 
"carbon pollution". 

Both claims about CO2 
are unproven, 
and very likely to be false.

CO2 would not be dangerous 
even if you assumed the worst case: 
  The worst case
would be to assume
100% of the warming 
from 1975 to 2000 
was caused ONLY by CO2.

Based on that worst case assumption, 
a doubling of CO2 levels in the air 
would only increase 
the average temperature 
of our planet by only +1 degree C.
(aka "Transient Climate Response"
to a doubling of CO2 levels.)

And that small 
+1 degree C. increase 
would take 200 years 
if CO2 levels grew 2% a year 
(133 years, if CO2 levels grew 3% a year).

The demonization of fossil fuels 
and CO2 emissions,
led by the United Nations,
is what I call:
"modern climate science".

Modern climate science
is junk science,
consisting of:
   (1) Unproven assumptions, 
   (2) Speculations, and 
   (3) Computer game wild guess "predictions" 
          of the future climate that have been
            wrong for 30 years, so far.

Meanwhile, the actual climate 
is wonderful, 
and getting better:
(A) The Earth is greening 
from more CO2 in the air, 
because CO2 is airborne plant food, and

(B) Nights are slightly warmer, 
mainly in the northern half 
of the Northern Hemisphere.

No one with sense believes (A) or (B)
are symptoms of a coming climate
catastrophe !