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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Now the leftists are attacking natural gas ... with lies

Science magazine 
published a report by the
Environmental Defense Fund 
claiming 13 million metric tons 
of methane (CH4), natural gas, 
is leaking from the 
natural gas supply chain. 

That's about 2.3% 
of total production. 

The Wall Street Journal 
recently had a headline: 
“Natural-Gas Boom 
Driving Methane Leaks, 
Study Finds ..."

The EDF claims:
Methane leaks 
and unplanned plumes 
vented from storage tanks 
and processing plants 
are likely larger 
than previously realized. 

The Environmental Defense Fund, 
a nonprofit environmental group, 
claims the leaks are big enough 
to make a shift from coal to gas 
effectively meaningless 
over a 20-year time span.

They claim enough greenhouse gasses 
are leaking from the gas industry 
to equal roughly the 20-year climate impact 
from all the coal-fired power plants 
running nationwide in 2015.

The claim is nonsense!

Laboratory experiments using
infrared absorption spectroscopy 
show that methane gas
absorbs infrared radiation 
within narrow wavelengths -
- wavelengths that are
also absorbed by water vapor, 
the dominant greenhouse gas. 

So there is little remaining energy 
for methane to absorb.

With water vapor available, 
there are few photons 
for methane to absorb, 
because water vapor 
has already absorbed them. 

Even in the polar regions, 
where the air is relatively dry, 
greenhouse warming from methane 
will be tiny, because water vapor 
is still more plentiful than methane.

The editors of Science seem to know 
a lot about climate scaremongering, 
but very little about 
greenhouse gases theory 
and logarithmic functions 
-- absorption "saturates", 
so the absorption curves 
for all gases are logarithmic. 

That's why each 
+100 ppm increase of CO2
should have less 
of a nighttime warming effect 
than the prior +100 ppm 
increase of CO2.
(Note: The warming effect 
of CO2 is assumed, 
and can not be measured). 

Laboratory experiments using
infrared absorption spectroscopy
show that carbon dioxide 
absorbs infrared radiation 
within three narrow bands 
of wavelengths.

Wavelengths in two of the three bands
are also absorbed by water vapor, 
the dominant greenhouse gas. 

But water vapor has little effect
on the third band of wavelengths.

That means there's one band of energy 
(infrared heat) for carbon dioxide to absorb
during the night, as our planet cools
by releasing infrared heat into space.

The Earth releases infrared (heat) energy 
as it cools at night, mainly wavelengths
between 6.5 and 12.5 microns, 
with a peak near 9.5 microns. 

CO2’s absorbs infrared wavelengths
in three bands, with peaks 
at 2.7, 4.3 and 15 microns, 
all missing the peak outgoing  
infrared wavelength of 9.5 microns.

The greenhouse effect 
interferes with cooling, 
mainly at night,
raising the nighttime 
low temperature,
by some unknown amount,
which is harmless,
... even if you assume 
the worst case -- that
all warming since 1950
was caused only by CO2.
( with no scientific proof
that any warming since 1950
was caused by CO2 )

The greenhouse effect 
is mainly higher
night-time low temperatures
with only a small increase 
of day-time high temperatures.