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Thursday, July 12, 2018

The false claim that CO2 is a satanic gas survives for three decades !

As of the year 1975,
natural climate change 
had been in progress 
for 4.5 billion years.

The warming from 
1910 to 1940,
for one example,
was assumed to be 
natural climate change.

But the similar warming 
from 1975 to 2000
was claimed to be 
caused by man made CO2.

There is no scientific proof of that,
only assumptions:

We're told CO2 is a greenhouse gas,
based on simple laboratory experiments.

Then the assumptions begin:
  We are told that 
carbon dioxide
a greenhouse gas,
and a greenhouse gas
should cause warming,
and there was 
global warming,
from 1975 to 2000,
... so it was assumed 
the global warming 
must have been caused
by humans adding CO2 
to the atmosphere!

You may recognize that
last paragraph
as circular reasoning.

The threat of anthropogenic 
(man made) global warming 
from CO2 is an assumption.

And that assumption 
is being used to implement 
United Nation's governance 
of world energy use.

The UN's Maurice Strong 
called the plan "Agenda 21" 
in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. 

Agenda 21 was 
an environmental plan 
of the United Nations 
Environmental Program (UNEP)
for the 21st century. 

The previous Kyoto Protocol 
included policies 
to control carbon dioxide,
but didn't work.

It was replaced with 
the Green Climate Fund,
ratified in 2015 at COP 21, 
the Paris Agreement. 

But the money for the Green Fund 
is not coming in as planned. 

In April of 2016, 
the World Bank announced 
a new Climate Action Plan.

And many US states have 
Climate Action Plans, 
or are developing them.

Plans are also in place for a 
Global Climate Action Summit 
in San Francisco 
during September 2018. 

So far, UN initiatives have led to
wealthy nations transferring 
$11 billion to developing nations
for climate change spending.

The claimed need for 
a UN world energy government 
is based on junk science, 
created to ‘prove’ human CO2 
was destroying the planet.

The public believes the 
UN's Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC) 
studies all climate change,
but they actually 
limit their focus 
to human causes, 
as if natural causes 
of climate change
no longer exist. 

Humans "destroying" the planet 
with CO2 is a scary fairy tale,
used mainly by leftist politicians
to control people, and tell them
how to live.

There has been no harm from CO2 !

CO2 is not "destroying" our planet.

So far, our planet is 'greening' 
from more CO2 in the air.

That means CO2 is improving our planet! 

Unfortunately, the false claim 
that CO2 is a satanic gas,
has survived for three decades,
from 1988 to 2018,
in spite of strong evidence
that the claims, 
and scary predictions,
are based on junk science:

Smarmy, leaked 2009 and 2011
"ClimateGate" emails, 
showed a strong pro-warming bias
among climate scientists,

A never explained, ***
and rarely reported,
lack of global warming
from 2003 to mid-2015, and
( *** over 50 explanations
have been proposed !)

Thirty years of failed 
computer game 
climate forecasts!