There are 2,592 feasible
5 degree longitude by
5 degree latitude
"grids" (boxes)
making up the
surface of the Earth.
Prior to World War II,
there were less than
600 boxes
covered with
a “mean value” (23%)
with about 200 boxes
covered with
a “max-min” value (8%).
That means no data at all
for 69% of the planet's surface
-- numbers for those grids
had to be wild guesses
by government bureaucrats
with science degrees,
to compile a global surface
temperature average.
That's a lot of wild guessing !
But good enough
for government use,
I suppose !
US stations are
supposed to be
the best in the world
but Anthony Watt’s
showed us that
only 7.9% of them
achieve better than
a 1°C accuracy.
There are virtually no
weather stations
with thermometers
weather stations
with thermometers
20% of the land surface
that are mountains,
that are mountains,
20% of the land surface
that is forest,
that is forest,
19% of the land surface
that is desert and,
that is desert and,
19% of the land surface
that is grassland.
that is grassland.
The result is an inadequate
surface temperature record.
There have been
weather balloons
since the 1950s,
and weather satellites
since 1979.
Their temperature
are very similar.
But they both show
less global warming
than surface measurements,
with all their infilling
(wild guessing),
... so they are ignored.
Only the outlier
of the three measurement
methodologies is used
by government bureaucrats
-- surface temperature data.
I'm very confident,
almost 100% sure,
that weather
satellite data
would be used,
and surface data
would be ignored,
if the satellite data
showed more warming
than the surface data !