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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

CO2 is Evil Cult comes up with hare-brained scheme to fight global warming

If I had published this 
on April 1,
you'd think it was 
an April Fool's joke,
so I published it today.

It's not a joke -- it's junk.

Junk science,
from leftists fools !

The latest leftist "idea" 
is dimming the sun 
by dispersing 
sulfate particles 
into the atmosphere 
to reflect and absorb 
some of the energy 
coming from the sun,
to slow the rate 
of global warming.

They are talking about 
injecting SO2 
into the atmosphere.  

What is SO2 ?

SO2 is commonly 
called  "smog". 

And we currently 
regulate power plants 
to NOT emit SO2 !

So, that’s it folks:

We have two choices,
the leftists say:
A pleasant climate, 
slightly warmer 
during winter nights, 
than 100 years ago, 
and with more 
abundant food, 
thanks to more CO2 
in the air, or


I guess the CO2 is Evil 
Cult members
would prefer smog ?

This is the kind of research we get 
for our hard-earned tax dollars,
suggesting a way 
to stop global warming ...
by polluting our air.