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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Katowice, Poland Climate Summit - actually about the transfer of wealth, not climate science

The specific language 
used at the recent 
Katowice, Poland 
climate summit, 
was mainly about 
a transfer of wealth
among nations.

Climate Change News 
published a list of 
32 "technical terms" 
that they think 
were important 
at Katowice.

Not one word 
on their list 
climate science.

40% of the 
"technical terms"
refer to interest groups.

What I would call 
a 'new world order',
was called 

There were five 
wealth transfer terms.

is actually 
huge payments, 
from developed (rich) 
to developing (poor) 

Another term was 
“climate finance”,
which is about
developed countries 
paying for everything 
developing countries
do to stop, or adapt to,
climate change. 

Annual payments 
of $100 billion
are supposed to
begin in 2020 !

“Loss and damage"
is 'compensation for' 
damage caused 
by climate change, 
which appears 
to include any
bad weather. 

The preliminary 
UN estimate 
for that loss 
and damage
is $400 billion 
a year !

“Technology transfer” 
is another wealth term.

Companies that 
hold patents 
will waive them, 
to allow the 
to manufacture 
the patented stuff 
for free!

are what 
each country 
promises to do, 
to reduce their 
CO2 emissions.

The NDCs are 
“climate targets”,
to be renewed 
every five years.

The Katowice 
"climate summit"
was mainly about
a huge wealth transfer 
from developed countries, 
to poor countries,
with overall control 
of the process,
and the decision-making, 
led by the United Nations.

Every bureaucracy 
places its advancement 
ahead of the interests 
of those who pay for it.

The UN is no different.

The UN, please recall,
has countries like Cuba 
and Saudi Arabia 
sitting on the 
Human Rights Council,
voting to condemn Israel,
even as Hamas rockets 
rain down on Israel,
from Gaza. 

The true intent 
of the UN is actually
called Agenda 21, 
a Marxist / Socialist 
roadmap for the UB
 to become more of 
a One World 

Climate change 
is the main vehicle 
for the UN
to move towards
their goal. 

The liberal - biased
mainstream media 
seem to accept that 
the United Nations 
has the authority 
to demand anything, 
of any nation.

More evidence of
the wealth transfer goals,
of climate change zealots,
from the past:

The early
climate summits, 
such as Rio, in 1992, 
included the term 
and convergence”, 
with the clear goal 
of forcing economies 
of the western world 
to strengthen 
the economies of
third world.

Margaret Thatcher, 
from her 2002 book 
“The doomsters’ 
favorite subject today 
is climate change. 

This has a number 
of attractions for them. 

First, the science is 
extremely obscure, 
so they cannot easily 
be proved wrong. 

Second, we all 
have ideas 
about the weather: 
the English,
on first acquaintance, 
talk of little else. 

Third, since clearly 
no plan to alter climate 
could be considered 
on anything 
but a global scale, 
it provides a 
marvelous excuse 
for worldwide, 

Ottmar Edenhofer, 
co-chair of the IPCC’s 
Working Group III, 
explained in 
precise German: 
  “we are in fact 
the world’s wealth 
by climate policy
… one must 
free oneself 
of the delusion 
that climate policy 
is [about] 