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Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Fourth Annual Fake Climate Assessment

For the blog reader 
who insisted that
I had to comment 
on the "Assessment":

The second volume 
released by the
US Global Change 
Research Program 
( USGCRP ), 
of a two-part series, 
making wild guesses
on human-caused 
global warming, 
was called the: 
“Fourth National 
Climate Assessment: 
Volume II: Impacts, 
Risks, and Adaptation 
in the United States.” 

I didn't read the report 
because I don't read fiction.

After 30 years of wrong climate
predictions, only a fool would 
take the "Assessment" seriously,
or a leftist, but I repeat myself !

There is no evidence that the 
slight global warming in the 
past 138 years, mainly at night
during the colder months 
of the year, in the northern half
of the Northern Hemisphere,
ever hurt anyone.

The warming rate since 1950,
which some people blame on CO2,
with no proof CO2 caused ANY of 
the warming, extrapolates to only
a +1 degree C. rise in the average
global temperature over the next 
200 years, when using 
the worst case assumption 
that CO2 caused 100% 
of the warming since 1950.

The UN's IPCC 
claims "over 50%", 
with no proof,
but never 100%.

If a worst case estimate 
for CO2 warming 
is harmless, 
there's no justification
for claiming that 
adding CO2 to the air
will harm anyone !

But the Assessment is 
not based on real science,
only the junk science 
of the 'CO2 is Evil Cult'.

I did read an article about 
the Assessment, 
and that article 
mentioned two things 
in it that I believe are 
ridiculous claims:

A key statement
 in the summary says:
“However, the 
assumption that 
current and future 
climate conditions 
will resemble
 the recent past 
is no longer valid.” 

That's a 
-- it dismisses 
all experience 
with, and 
knowledge of,
past climate change 
on our planet !

In plain English, 
the Assessment claims,
with no evidence, that
"It's different this time", 
which are four of the 
most dangerous words
in the English language !

The Assessment 
also predicts 
a 10% reduction 
of GDP 
at some time
in the future, 
and implies
that would be 
an economic 

As the editor of 
an economics 
since 1977, 
and an 
economics blog 
since 2008, 
I know the 10% 
was a wild guess.

I also know 
a 10% reduction
is much closer to 
a rounding error, 
than to a crisis !

Based on realistic 
population growth 
and modest 
productivity gains, 
I'll assume a +1.5% 
real GDP 
growth rate 
in the future.

Based on the Rule of 72, 
it would take 48 years
for the Real GDP to double, 
with +1.5% average growth 

And Real GDP 
would double again 
in another 48 years -- 
( quadrupling in 96 years ).

Now let's assume 
that global warming, 
which I consider 
to be good news
for agriculture
and humans,
actually reduced 
Real GDP growth 
by 10%, 
from +1.5% a year, 
to +1.35% a year.

+1.35% average real growth 
means Real GDP would take 
107 years to quadruple, 
rather than 
96 years to quadruple, 
with +1.5% average growth,
which does not add up to a crisis !

Anyone who takes the
wild guess Assessment 
seriously, is a fool,
or has the ulterior motive
of gaining political power,
by falsely scaring people 
about CO2.