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Monday, February 11, 2019

Why the "Green Bad Dream" is not needed, and not feasible ( introduction added February 13 )

Brand new introduction,
in purple italics,
added February 13:

Some Dumbocrats 
are seriously claiming
climate change is an 
"existential threat".

They are clueless 
on the subject of 
climate science,
but do know how 
to scare people
into wanting 
the government,
eventually headed 
by the Dumbocrats,
to do something now !

claim is a
grossly exaggerated
conclusion based onb
climate change 
junk science:
 Which consists of
wild guess 
computer game
predictions of the
future climate,
that "see"constant 
global warming,
at triple the rate 
we've actually had
since 1940, when the 
"era of man made CO2"

Back in reality-land,
the average temperature 
is rising intermittently,
at one-third the rate 
predicted by the obviously
wrong computer games,
... and the warming rate 
has slowed to zero --
the average temperature
of our planet did not change 
from 2003 through 2018,
per weather satellite data !
( slight warming, per far less
accurate surface thermometers )

Is + 1 degree C.
of global warming
in the past 138 years,
an "existential threat" ?

Of course not !

Is global warming, 
at a rate less than
+0.1 degree C. per decade
since 1940 (cause unknown),
an "existential threat" ?

Of course not !

Is no global warming, 
in the past 15 years,
an "existential threat" ?

Of course not !

And how about 
the usually hidden 
good news that results 
from adding CO2 
to the atmosphere,
just like the good news
for greenhouse owners 
who enrich the air inside 
their greenhouses 
with extra CO2 ?

In the satellite era, 
since the 1970s,
there has been 
+15% 'greening'
of our planet, 
and food crops
are growing faster too.

My conclusion, after 21 years
reading about real climate science,
as a hobby, is that adding CO2
to the atmosphere is net 
GOOD NEWS for our planet, 
and not even a minor threat !

What has 
actually happened 
to the climate
of our planet 
since 1940 that 
could be considered 
to be bad news ?

Here's what happened: 
  The main climate change 
since 1940 was that 
the northern half, 
of the Northern Hemisphere,
now has slightly warmer
winter nights !

Is that bad news ?

I'd say it's good news,
for the few people 
who live there !

What I study is
real climate science, 
that tries 
to understand, 
and explain, 
the PAST climate.

Climate that has 
actually happened !

How old fashioned !

"Climate change"
is very different --
and not so 
old fashioned !

"Climate change" 
doesn't study 
anything that 
actually happened.

"Climate change" 
consists of
wild guess predictions 
of the FUTURE climate, 
which always turn out
to be wrong !

We are always told 
the FUTURE climate 
is going to be bad news
... but no bad news 
ever shows up !

After no bad news shows up, 
we get to read brand new 
"studies", claiming that
' FUTURE climate change 
is going to be even WORSE 
than the last study claimed ! '

They are not really 
scientific "studies",
they are fairy tales 
for dummies !

The warnings about 
FUTURE climate change 
began in the 1960s, 
and reached a peak 
this month,
with the worst 
economic proposal
I have ever heard 
in my lifetime, 
and I'm 65 years young:

The 'Green Bad Dream' 
seems like a junior high 
school level pipe dream,
from a C average student !

Perhaps a student in Iran,
whose goal was to destroy
the US economy ?

The Green Bad Dream 
has three HUGE problems:


People, such as dingbat AOC,
( Alexandria Occasionally Coherent )
who call climate change 
"an existential threat",
are science-denying 

The rate of global warming
since 1950 suggests 
a +0.1 degree C. rise in 
the average temperature
in the next ten years --
much too small for anyone 
to notice !

Or maybe a -0.1 degree C.
global cooling in the 
next ten years -- no one
knows the future climate !

This leftist "proposal" 
attacks a 'problem' 
that does NOT exist.

We've had 20,000 years
of actual global warming
to study, and it has been 
good news all the way,
starting with Chicago and
Detroit under thick 
ice glaciers !

There is no current problem
with our planet's climate !

The average temperature 
has barely changed 
since 1880
-- measurement errors 
could easily account for 
most of the claimed 
+1 degree C. warming
in the past 138 years !

There has been a flat average
temperature trend since 2003.

Adding CO2 to the air is good news,
significantly 'greening' our planet.

And if CO2 causes global warming,
which is just an assumption,
based only on lab experiments,
the actual warming rate 
since 1950, has been 
mild and harmless
-- warming at a rate 
of only +1 degree C. 
in 100 to 200 years,
( if you assume the worst case,
that CO2 is the ONLY cause 
of global warming )

 and  THEN  

Building a new 
wind and solar 
would produce 
CO2 emissions 
during the huge 
building phase.

Intermittent energy sources, 
such as wind and solar power, 
require a huge amount of 
back-up fossil fuel
power generation
for nights, and when
there is minimal wind.

Global greenhouse 
gas emissions 
would continue to rise,
from economic growth 
in developing countries
( not foolish enough 
to impose the 
Bad New Dream 
on themselves ! )


The Green Bad Dream
is not feasible, 
so can not happen.

By eliminating their fuels,
it would make all cars, trucks,
motorcycles, diesel trains, 
ships, boats, and all power 
generating plants
using coal, natural gas 
or nuclear energy
obsolete, and worthless !

There are no 
known replacements
for many of these assets, 
that don't use fossil fuels.

A transition from fossil fuels 
to alternative energy would cost
tens of trillions of dollars, 
and take many decades 
to implement.

Certainly not in ten years !

Or in 20 years !

Possibly feasible in 50 years,
but only if new technologies, 
are developed to store 
huge amounts of energy ? 

Writing off the current 
huge fossil fuel electricity
generation infrastructure, 
that took a century to build, 
would make a $5 to 6 trillion 
investment become worthless !

Wind and solar power 
face two huge problems:
 High cost, and
intermittent power !

There are no electric 
storage systems,
currently available ,
that can affordably 
and dependably store 
vast amounts of energy,
needed over weeks, 
to reliably satisfy 
electricity demand,
using only 
wind and solar 
power generation. 

Modern economies 
need constant electricity, 
24/7, not just when 
the sun shines AND 
the wind blows
at the same time. 

Wind and solar energy 
have low power density 
so replacing fossil fuels 
would require a huge 
amount of land 
for the windmills 
and solar panels,
crowding out our 
agriculture and wildlife.

Additional reading 
on related subjects:

Burning fossil fuels has
unintended benefits
for green plants:

Costs and benefits 
of fossil fuels,
mainly benefits:

Energy is too important
to experiment with:

Solar and wind power are intermittent,
and that's why they are losers.

Is the Green New Deal 
designed to kill capitalism,
or is there another goal ?