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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Energy is too important to experiment with

The good news about
the Green New Deal (GND)
is that it allows voters
to determine 
that some candidates
are too stupid to be 
a good president !

Too stupid would be 
anyone who favors
the Green Bad Deal,
that in a dozen years,
would eliminate fuels
needed for US cars, 
trucks, tractors,
airplanes, diesel trains, 
lawnmowers, snowmobiles, 
electric power plants
using coal or natural gas,
and home heating systems
burning oil and natural gas.

Send them all to the garbage dump !

The GND sounds like 
a devious plan developed
by a junior high student 
in Iran, or North Korea,
whose goal was to destroy
the US economy !

Of course we all need
food, clothing and shelter.

All three require energy.

That may make energy
our most important resource.

You'd never know it 
from the leftist fantasies
of a "Green New Deal",
an infeasible, 
incredibly expensive, 
economic experiment, 
to "fight" beneficial
CO2 emissions
... which real science 
sees as a net benefit 
- 'greening' our planet ,
and accelerating
growth of C3 plants
used for food by
humans and animals !

Hopefully Dumbocrats
will not get much support,
but then relatively 
intelligent Germans
in the 1930s, were
somehow convinced 
that Jewish Germans, 
a relatively hard working 
and low crime rate minority,
were actually evil.

With that sad history in mind,
fools in the US are being
convinced that CO2,
the staff of life, is evil,
is spite of the facts:
 We've had only good news 
from the past 20,000 years 
of climate change, 
starting with Chicago 
and Detroit under glaciers,
and recently, since 2003, 
we've had a major slowdown 
of global warming.

Basing an analysis
of CO2 costs and benefits 
on geological evidence, 
and temperature data
is real science.

Leftists seem to prefer 
scary wild guess
predictions of 
the future climate,
that are always wrong !

Cheap energy made 
industrial economies 

Energy alone doesn't 
create prosperity, 
but is necessary 
to operate a factory, 
run a store, grow crops, 
and deliver goods.

Energy is important 
for economic growth 
because production
depends on capital, 
labor, and energy.

Fossil fuels provide 
81% of the primary energy 
consumed in the world.

There's a close relationship
between the cost of energy 
and gross domestic product.

There's also 
a statistically valid 
relationship between 
electricity consumption 
and economic growth. 

Abundant, affordable energy
enables economic growth.

And a huge increase 
in energy supply 
will be required 
to meet increased 
energy demands 
from population growth, 
and to lift poor nations 
out of poverty.

The Green New Deal
will hurt poor nations,
by destroying the economies
of rich nations, who are now
able to afford to send them 
free food and medicine.

Almost all economists agree 
that higher energy prices 
reduce economic activity.

If the price of energy goes up, 
almost everything costs more,
so either prices are raised,
or profit margins go down.

If energy gets 
more expensive here,
we would manufacture 
fewer goods here,
and import more 
manufactured goods.

That just "off-shores"
CO2 emissions, 
but doesn't reduce them
( if CO2 concerns you ).

A shortage of energy 
would halt production
in portions of our economy.