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Monday, March 25, 2019

Climate Commission Letter & ye editor's comments

Coalition Letter on the 
Commission on Climate Security

A letter sent to president Trump 
supports Dr. Will Happer, 
and has many dozens of supporters.

"Dear President Trump,
The undersigned organizations and individuals write to express our strong support for the proposed President’s Commission on Climate Security. It is our understanding that this commission, which is being planned and would be directed by Dr. William Happer of the National Security Council staff, is currently being considered by your senior White House staff and relevant Cabinet secretaries and agency heads. The commission would consist of a small number of distinguished experts on climate-related science and national security. It would be charged with conducting an independent, high-level review of the Fourth National Climate Assessment and other official reports relating to climate and its implications for national security. Its deliberations would be subject to the transparency requirements of the Federal Advisory Committees Act."

Ye editor's comment:
 "Distinguished experts"?
The specific causes of climate change
are unknown, so it is impossible to 
be an "expert" on the subject, 
because most people expect 
"experts" to have answers !  

Unfortunately, far too many people
accept wrong answers on climate change,
when the right answer is: "No one knows".

"In our view, an independent review of these reports is long overdue. Serious problems and shortcomings have been raised repeatedly in the past by highly-qualified scientists only to be ignored or dismissed by the federal agencies in charge of producing the reports. Among major issues that have been raised and that we hope the commission will scrutinize: the models used have assumed climate sensitivities to CO2 concentrations significantly higher than recent research warrants; the models used have predicted much more warming than has actually occurred; predictions of the negative impacts of global warming have been made based on implausible high-end emissions scenarios; the positive impacts of warming have been ignored or minimized; and surface temperature data sets have been manipulated to show more rapid warming than has actually occurred."

Ye editor's comment:
Computer games that, on average,
predict triple the global warming
that actually happens, should NOT
be called "models".  

They are not models of the 
climate change physics that
actually happens on our planet ! 

"An underlying issue that we hope the commission will also address is the fact that so many of the scientific claims made in these reports and by many climate scientists are not falsifiable, that is, they cannot be tested by the scientific method."

Ye editor's comments:
Nothing claimed by smarmy leftists,
from climate change predictions,
to the $15 minimum wage, is ever 
"falsifiable", or subject to debate.

Note that climate crisis predictions
are always coming in the "future",
since scientist Roger Revelle
started the scare in the late 1950's.

We've had more than 60 years of 
scaremongering, but the alleged
coming climate crisis never shows up !

"The conclusions and predictions made by these reports are the basis for proposed energy policies that could cost trillions of dollars in less than a decade and tens of trillions of dollars over several decades. Given the magnitude of the potential costs involved, we think that taking the insular processes of official, consensus science on trust, as has been the case for the past three decades, is negligent and imprudent. In contrast, major engineering projects are regularly subjected to the most rigorous and exhaustive adversarial review. We suggest that climate science requires at least the same level of scrutiny as the engineering employed in building a bridge or a new airplane."

Ye editor's comments:
Global warming since 1940 
averaged less than +0.1 degree C.
per decade -- and near zero in the past
15 years, from 2003 through 2018.

Warming since the unusually cold
period in the late 1600's is most likely 
more than +2 degrees C. so far -- 
no one complained about that warming 
because it was good news.

There is no logical 
reason to believe
future global warming 
of +1 or +2 degrees C.
would NOT be additional 
good news !

"We note that defenders of the climate consensus have already mounted a public campaign against the proposed commission. We find this opposition curious. If the defenders are confident that the science contained in official reports is robust, then they should welcome a review that would finally put to rest the doubts that have been raised. On the other hand, their opposition could be taken as evidence that the scientific basis of the climate consensus is in fact highly suspect and cannot withstand critical review."

Ye editor's comments:
Defenders of the predictions
of a coming climate catastrophe,
which started in the late 1950's,
can not defend their "science",
because there is no science
to defend !

Wild guess wrong predictions of 
the future climate are not real science !

That's why leftists refuse to debate,
and character attack skeptics
to imply they are not worthy of debate !

'We further note that opponents of the proposed commission have already stooped to making personal attacks on Dr. Happer. Many signers of this letter know Dr. Happer personally and all are familiar with his scientific career. We know him to be a man of high capabilities, high achievements, and the highest integrity."

Ye editor's comments:
Dr. William Happer was appointed 
to a committee that will evaluate 
the threat to national security 
from carbon dioxide-caused 
climate change ( none ).

Leftist "scientists" claim Happer 
is not a "climate scientist".

Once again they prove how 
stupid they are ! 

Happer is an Atomic, Molecular, 
and Optical (AMO) Physicist, 
and has decades of research 
in the field. 

The greenhouse effect is about 
the interaction between infrared 
energy (an optical thing) 
and CO2 molecules. 

The ONLY thing that relates CO2 
to climate is AMO, where Happer 
is a world famous expert.

The climate change junk science
"scientists" apparently have no 
idea how AMO relates to CO2 !

"It has been reported that some officials within your administration have proposed an internal working group as an alternative to an independent commission subject to FACA. Insofar as an internal working group would consist of federal career scientists reviewing their own work, we think this alternative would be worse than doing nothing.

Although an independent commission of distinguished scientists would have high credibility, we do not mean to imply that its report should be the end of the matter. We therefore suggest that the National Academies of Science and Engineering would be appropriate bodies to conduct an initial review of the commission’s report.

Mr. President, you have made a number of comments in recent years expressing doubts about the global warming consensus. Many of the signers of this letter have been similarly skeptical. Without prejudging the results, we think that a review of climate science produced by an independent, high-level commission would be a fair test for your views (and ours): either it would provide a sound basis for revising your views or it would confirm your views and confound your critics.

For these reasons, we urge you to create by Executive Order a President’s Commission on Climate Security. Thank you for considering our views."


Myron Ebell, Director, 
Center for Energy and Environment
and Marlo Lewis, Senior Fellow
Competitive Enterprise Institute

Tim Huelskamp, Ph. D., President and CEO
and Joseph L. Bast, Founder and Senior Fellow
The Heartland Institute

Adam Brandon, President

Tim Chapman, Executive Director
Heritage Action for America

Thomas Pyle President
American Energy Alliance

Thomas Schatz, President
Citizens Against Government Waste

Craig Rucker, President
and Marc Morano, Publisher, 
CFACT’s Climate Depot Committee 
For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)

Steve Milloy, Publisher
Junk Science

James L. Martin, Founder and Chairman
and Saulius “Saul” Anuzis, President
60 Plus Association

Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen, Chairman
and Kenneth Haapala, President
Science and Environmental Policy Project

Robert L. Bradley, Jr., CEO
Institute for Energy Research

Craig D. Idso, Ph. D., Chairman
Center for the Study of 
Carbon Dioxide and Global Change

Tom Harris, Executive Director
International Climate Science Coalition

Eunie Smith, President
Eagle Forum

Rick Manning, President
Americans for Limited Government

Craig Richardson, President
Energy and Environment Legal Institute

Phil Kerpen, President
American Commitment

Mario H. Lopez, President
Hispanic Leadership Fund

Al Regnery, Chairman            
Conservative Action Project

Bill Walton, Chairman
CNP Action, Inc.

Jennifer Fielder, CEO
American Lands Council

Tom DeWeese, President
American Policy Center

Andrew Langer, President
Institute for Liberty

David T. Stevenson, Policy Director
and Clinton S. Laird, Advisory Council
Caesar Rodney Institute

Rob Roper, President
Ethan Allen Institute

Kory Swanson, President and CEO
John Locke Foundation

Paul Gessing, President
Rio Grande Foundation

Jason Hayes, Director 
of Environmental Policy
The Mackinac Center for Public Policy

Kathleen Hartnett White, 
Senior Fellow and Director,
Armstrong Center for Energy 
and the Environment Life: Powered, 
a Project of the Texas 
Public Policy Foundation

Daniel Turner, Founder 
and Executive Director
Power the Future

John Droz, Jr., Founder
Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions

Alex Epstein, Founder
Center for Industrial Progress

Mark Mathis, President
Clear Energy Alliance

Mandy Gunasekara, Founder
Energy 45 Fund

Peter Ferrara, Chief Consultant
and David Wallace, President and Founder
FAIR Energy Foundation

Mark Anderson, Executive Director & Host
and Karla Davenport, Co-Owner & Producer
I Spy Radio

Affiliations of the individuals listed alphabetically below are given for identification purposes only. Academic affiliations have been placed in parentheses to make this doubly clear.

Peter F. Alexander, L. A., Landscape Architect Planner

J. Scott Armstrong, Ph. D., (Professor, University of Pennsylvania)

Charles R. Anderson, Ph. D., President and Principal Scientist, Anderson Materials Evaluation

Dennis T. Avery, Co-author (with S. Fred Singer) of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years

Timothy Ball, Ph. D., Author of Human Caused Global Warming

Joe Bastardi, Chief Meteorologist,, Author of The Climate Chronicles Charles G. Battig, M. S., M. D., Policy Adviser, The Heartland Institute

E. Calvin Beisner, Ph. D., Founder and National Spokesman, Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation

Denis Beller, Ph. D., Lt. Col., USAF (ret.), (Research Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Edwin X. Berry, Ph. D. (Physics), Climate Physics, LLC, Montana

Joseph Bevelacqua, Ph. D., CHP, RRPT, President, Bevelacqua Resources Mark J. Block, CEO, Mother Nature’s Trading Company

Karl Bohnak, Chief Meteorologist, WLUC, Marquette, Mich. Vice Admiral Edward S. Briggs, U. S. Navy (ret.)

William Butos, Ph. D., (Ferris Professor, Emeritus, Trinity College) Mark L. Campbell, (Professor, United States Naval Academy)

Alan Carlin, Ph. D., Senior Analyst (ret.), Environmental Protection Agency,

Mark J. Carr, Channel Design Group

Jeffrey A. Casey, Ph. D., President, Rockfield Research, Inc.

Dr. Ian Clark, P. Geo., (Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Ottawa)

Dr. Imelda Connolly, Connolly Scientific Research Group Dr. Michael Connolly, Connolly Scientific Research Group

Dr. Ronan Connolly, Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences (CERES)

Donn Dears, B. S., (Engineering), Senior Executive, General Electric Company (ret.), Author of Clexit for a Brighter Future

Paul deWitt, M. A., U. S. Navy (ret.)

David Deming, Ph. D. (Geophysics), (Professor of Arts and Sciences, University of Oklahoma)

James D. Derbonné, Aerospace Engineer for Mercury, Apollo, Space Shuttle, and Space Station Programs, NASA (ret.)

Harold H. Doiron, Ph. D. (Mechanical Engineering), Chairman, The Right Climate Stuff Research Team, Engineer, NASA (ret.)

Becky Norton Dunlop, Former Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Former Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources

George S. Dunlop, Former Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment, former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works

John Dale Dunn, M. D., J. D., Policy Adviser, The Heartland Institute

Robert W. Endlich, M. S. (Meteorology), Principal, Cruces Atmospheric Sciences Forum, Lt. Col., USAF (ret.)

Vincent J. Esposito, Sc. D., former Westinghouse Vice President, (Adjunct Professor, University of Pittsburgh)

Bruce M. Everett, Ph. D.

Peter Felker, Ph. D., Los Angeles, California

Neil L. Frank, Ph. D., former Director, National Hurricane Center

Patrick Frank, Ph. D., (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University) Gordon J. Fulks, Ph. D. (Physics—University of Chicago)

Terry Gannon, Ph. D.,

Grace Germany, NASA (ret.)

Ivar Giaever, Ph. D., Nobel Prize Winner in Physics 1973

Leo Goldstein, M. Sc., President, Science for Humans and Freedom Institute Laurence I. Gould, Ph. D., (Professor of Physics, University of Hartford)  Prof. Dr. Hermann Harde, (Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany) Larry Hart, Hartco Strategies

Howard Hayden, Ph. D., (Professor Emeritus of Physics University of Connecticut) Thomas Hayward, Admiral, U. S. Navy (ret.)

Dennis Hedke, Consulting Geophysicist, Hedke-Saenger Geoscience, Ltd.

Tom Hennigan, (Associate Professor of Organism Biology and Ecology, Truett McConnell University)

James H. Hollingsworth, M. A. Mark L. Hopkins, BSEE, J. D, MLB William B. Howard, B. S.

Christopher C. Hull, Ph. D., Senior Fellow, Americans for Intelligence Reform Jon P. Kahler, M. S., Retired Meteorologist

Richard A. Keen, Ph. D., (Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Science, University of Colorado)

Hugh Kendrick, Ph. D., P. E., Former Director, Plans and Analysis, Nuclear Reactor Research, U. S. Department of Energy

Sheryl Kaufman, Corporate Chief Economist (ret.), Phillips Petroleum Company Madhav Khandekar, Ph. D., Scientist (ret.), Environment Canada

William L. Kovacs, J. D., Former Senior Vice President for Environment, Technology, and Regulatory Affairs at a major trade association

Hans U. Kurr, Simultaneous Interpreter (ret.), United Nations

Gary Kyle, (Professor of Physics Emeritus, New Mexico State University) David R. Legates, Ph. D., (Professor, University of Delaware)

Jay Lehr, Ph. D., Science Director, The Heartland Institute Jonathan A. Lesser, Ph. D., President, Continental Economics, Inc.

Floy Lilley, J. D., Special Projects, Mises Institute Anthony R. Lupo, (Professor, Columbia, Missouri)

Robert Lyman, Energy Economist, ENTRANS Policy Research Group Matthew Malkan, Ph. D., Los Angeles, California

Martin J. Mangino, Ph. D., (Virginia Commonwealth University)

R. Timothy McCrum, J. D., Member of the DC and Supreme Court Bars, Washington, D. C.

Michael McKenna, Former Trump Transition head for Department of Energy, FERC, and NRC

Patrick J. Michaels, Ph. D., Past President, American Association of State Climatologists

Dennis M. Mitchell, CPA (ret.), Qualified Environmental Professional Deroy Murdock, Contributing Editor, National Review Online

Miles J. Novy, M. D., (Emeritus Professor and Senior Scientist, Oregon Health Sciences University)

Dennis G. Ortega,

James M. Peacock, Aerospace Engineer (ret.) for Apollo, Sky Lab, and Space Shuttle Programs, NASA, U. S. Air Force Research and Development

Charles W. Pennington, M. S., MBA, Vice President, NAC International (ret.) Charles A. Perry, Ph. D., Climatologist

John W. Peterson, Burke, Va.

Brian Pratt, Ph. D., (University of Saskatchewan)

A. G. Randol III, Ph. D., Virginia Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment

Allen Rogers, CEO, ALR Consulting

Bernard Rosenbaum, Senior Engineer (ret.), Propulsion and Power Division, NASA Johnson Space Center

James H. Rust, Policy Adviser, The Heartland Institute, (Professor of Nuclear Engineering (ret.), Georgia Tech)

Gary D. Sharp, Ph. D., Scientific Director, Center for Climate and Ocean Resources Study

Hal Shurtleff, Director, Camp Constitution

Willie Soon, Ph. D., Solar and Atmospheric Physicist

Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. (Meteorology), (University of Alabama Huntsville)

Charles N. Steele, Ph. D., (Herman and Suzanne Dettwiler Chair in Economics, Hillsdale College)

J. Eldon Steelman, Ph. D. (Electrical Engineering) Ted Stout, D. C.

Szymon Suckewer, Ph. D., D. Sc. (Habilitation), (Professor Emeritus, Princeton University)

Michael C. Sununu, S. B. (MIT)

Daniel Sutter, (Professor of Economics, Troy University)

Brendon Swedlow, Ph. D, J. D., (Associate Professor, Northern Illinois University) Thomas Tanton, Energy and Environment Legal Institute

Mitchell Taylor, Ph. D., (Adjunct Professor, Lakehead University), Former Member of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialists Group

Nancy J. Thorner, Lake Bluff, Ill.

David H. Tofsted, Ph. D. (Electrical Engineering), former Senior Research Physicist,

U. S. Army Research Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range

Cecil Joe Tomlinson, Senior Principal Engineer (ret.), Boeing Company

Brian Gregory Valentine, D. Eng., U. S. Department of Energy, (University of Maryland)

Donald R. van der Vaart, Ph. D. (Trinity College, Cambridge), P. E., J. D., Former Secretary, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality

Phil Volker, President, ERF/WMG Companies, Inc.

Lance Wallace, Ph. D. (Astrophysics), EPA Office of Research and Development (ret.) Anthony Watts, Meteorologist and Publisher, Watts Up With That?

Steven Weismantel, Connecticut Climate Realists Chuck F. Wiese, Meteorologist, Weatherwise, Inc.

Adam Wildavsky, S. B. (MIT), Senior Software Engineer (ret.), Google David Wojick, Ph. D.

George T. Wolff, Ph. D., Principal Scientist, Air Improvement Resources, Inc.

Thomas H. Wysmuller, Meteorologist, NASA (ret.), Founding Member of the Right Climate Stuff Team

Benjamin Zycher, Ph. D., Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute