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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Here Come the Children Climate Change Warriors

Children are 
being manipulated 
by environmental 
to be ‘useful idiots’.

Our education system 
is producing only
climate change drones, 
who can't think for themselves, 
and never question people 
who pretend they know how
to predict the future climate.

'Progressive’ politicians 
insist we should 
listen to these children !

It's just another day of 
‘progressives’ demanding 
economic upheaval 
at the risk of an 
imminent ( fake ) 

It's just another day 
of conservatives 
being dismissed 
as foolish “deniers” 
who refuse to accept 
“the settled science”.

Of course our planet’s 
climate will change, 
as it has for 4.5 billion years.

If the trend since 1950 continues,
the average temperature might
rise by +0.1 degrees C. in ten years.

Ho hum. 

The climate will not be warmed, 
or cooled, one-tenth of a degree 
by kids "striking".

Environmental extremists will still
be denying developing nations 
cheap, reliable electricity.

There’s a good reason 
school kids aren’t allowed to 
get married, sign contracts, 
fight for their nation, 
get a driver’s license, 
drink alcohol, 
smoke tobacco, 
or vote !

Because their developing brains 
aren’t mature enough 
to make objective decisions ! 

Skipping school to protest 
climate change outdoors 
is not very impressive to me.

How about then giving up 
their smart phones
for a whole weekend 
to protest climate change ?

That would impress
some people !

Kids in our education system 
are being taught what to think,
rather than how to think.

They haven’t been taught about 
the Roman warm period, or the 
Little Ice Age, that preceded the 
Industrial Revolution. 

They haven’t 
been taught 
that Greenland, 
now covered in ice, 
used to produce crops,
or that Britons 
raised grapes, and 
made their own 
homegrown wine. 

the global activists 
brainwash them, 
through their teachers, 
that a climate crisis 
is in progress, 
and can only be solved 
by a United Nations 
international wealth
redistribution scheme. 

Most schools 
groom kids 
with climate change 

I recommend 
a new program 
that will benefit 
the environment, 
and the kids:
“Walk to School” !