In the mass media,
major storms and floods
are usually presented
as signs of impending
doom, from climate change.
In real science,
they are not related.
In real science,
they are not related.
Only real catastrophes,
and predictions of
future catastrophes,
( that never show up )
( that never show up )
grab our attention.
It's rarely mentioned
outside of this blog:
Past global warming
had been 100% good news.
And people die
much more often
from cold weather,
than from hot weather.
There is global warming.
If there was no global warming,
there would be global cooling.
Carbon dioxide should contribute
to global warming, but there is no
evidence, direct or indirect,
that CO2 could cause anything
more than mild, harmless warming.
Dangerous global warming
is a fairy tale, always 'coming
in the distant future', allegedly
"coming" for over 60 years so far,
but it never shows up !
Between 1910 and 1940, the planet
warmed about two-thirds as much
as the 1975 to 2003 warming.
The earlier warming can’t be blamed
on the CO2 level, because the
CO2 level only increased slightly.
Natural factors had to be the cause.
None of the climate models
used by government bureaucrat
climate scientists can explain
this older warming trend.
Nor can the models explain
why the climate cooled
between 1940 and 1975,
enough for some scientists
to warn of a new ice age !
Sea level is rising.
But sea level has been
slowly rising since the 1860s.
And there is no acceleration
from global warming visible
in tide gage data.
Blaming warming
on carbon dioxide
is not scientific.
Most scientists are uncomfortable
with the truth about climate change,
which is: "No one knows the exact
causes of climate change".
Climatology has become political
junk science, with totalitarian tendencies.
Disagreement with the human-caused
global warming theory makes you a
"climate-change denier",
viciously character attacked.
The climatology mainstream
accepts only data that reinforces
its hypothesis that humans are
behind global warming.
Scientific research should be
based on skepticism, not on
politics, money, and fame.
Public funding, scientific awards,
and academic promotions
should not go only to
politically correct leftists.
The National Aeronautics
and Space Administration
ended its space expeditions,
and then found a new mission:
It built climate models
that focused on carbon dioxide,
because CO2 is subject
to human control.
The UN's IPCC recruits
only climatologists
who blame CO2
for global warming,
excluding all others.
This extraordinary collusion
automatically creates
a "scientific consensus"
within the IPCC !
97% of "climate scientists"
agree that climate scientists
deserve more money, publicity,
and power over other people !
"Climate Change"
relates to real science
the same way astrology
relates to astronomy --
a distant wacky cousin
who sells wrong predictions
to rubes.
The Global Balonyists
have obviously created
a government sponsored religion,
based upon faith in junk science,
that can't be proved, and breaks
all rules of the scientific method.