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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Why environmentalists don't care about real pollution

Air, land and water pollution 
are the worst things humans 
have done to our planet.

Why do so many so-called 
"environmentalists" demonize 
harmless plant food (CO2), 
while ignoring harmful 
air, land, and water pollution, 
mainly in Asia? 

-- Fixing real pollution 
is hard work, 
and very expensive. 

-- But demonizing 
beneficial CO2
is easy, and 
very profitable:

You just predict 
a horrible climate
in the distant future,
with great confidence, 

silence skepticism 
with character attacks,

"adjust" historical 
surface temperature data 
to show more warming,

virtue signal 
by falsely claiming
you are trying 
to save the planet 
for the children, 

then write phony reports 
predicting climate doom
is coming ... long after 
you are dead !

Do all that, and left wing 
politicians / governments 
will throw money at you:

-- Hiring only "scientists" 
who are 'CO2 is Evil' believers,

-- Issuing study grants 
to them, but not to skeptics, 

-- Heavily subsidizing the 
huge 'green industry'.