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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

American Lung Association becomes a climate change scaremonger -- and real science takes a back seat !

The American Lung 
Association's "2019 
State of the Air Report"
is a disgrace !

The goal of the report was not
real science, or lung health.

The goal was getting the 
attention of the leftist-biased
mainstream media, which will
publish anything negative about 
"climate change", without one
minute of fact checking, 
plus virtue signaling, 
by demonizing CO2, 
and global warming.

I recently wrote an article 
on indoor air pollution, which 
is MUCH more important 
for Americans than outdoor 
air pollution.

Here's why,  from that article:

"After the 1983 Clean Air Act, 
and creation of the EPA in 1970,
( Environmental Protection Agency )
the chemicals in outdoor air 
became federally regulated, 
with penalties for polluters. 

These days, a “very unhealthy” 
designation for outdoor air is rare. 

Emissions of many harmful gases, 
such as carbon monoxide, 
and sulfur dioxide, have fallen 
by about 50% since the 1970s.

Outdoor particulate matter counts 
fell by about 80% since the 1970s.

That's great, but in the U.S. 
we spend, on average, 
90% to 95% of our lives indoors.
(Note: I forgot to mention
in the article that I rounded
the high 80's percentage to "90%", 
and 95% counts being inside cars,
as being indoors )

Recent data, from the U.K., 
shows Britons are outside 
for just 5% of the day, on average,
— just one hour and twelve minutes. "

In that article I mentioned
an indoor test measuring
particulate matter
during the cooking of
a Thanksgiving dinner 
inside a test house: 

The final hour of
cooking produced 
24% more particulate
matter than there is
in the outdoor air, 
during the dirtier 
winter months, of the 
world's MOST polluted 
large city, New Delhi, India,
( New Delhi data from WHO ) !

A Lung Association report ignoring 
indoor air pollution, is ignoring 
a large majority of the air pollution 
affecting American lungs.

The American Lung Association 
Report completely ignore the fact 
that global warming, 
between 1998 and 2018,
was statistically insignificant, 
using global data from the UAH 
weather satellite compilation.

The US temperature record, 
using the NOAA network 
of rural thermometers, USCRN,
which are NOT affected 
by nearby economic growth, 
shows no relationship 
with global temperatures:

The claimed link between GLOBAL 
temperature measurements, 
and U.S. high ozone days, 
is not justified.

The U.S. has significantly reduced its CO2 
emissions, since its peak year of 2007,
through increased use of natural gas:

The U.S. is leading the world 
in reducing CO2 emissions,
and coal particulate emissions, 
while lowering energy costs too,
by replacing coal with higher 
efficiency, lower cost, natural gas.

Yet the 2019 Report 
claims there is
increasing US coal 
particulate matter ,
and CO2 emissions, 
which is either
bad science, 
using data mining
or deliberate lies.

The 2019 Report claims US actions 
to further reduce its CO2 emissions 
will lower GLOBAL warming.

But US emissions of CO2 
stopped growing in 2007.

They may fluctuate a little
from year to year, as GDP
growth gets a little stronger,
such as in 2018, or a little weaker, 
but the trend since 2007 is flat.

That means US  CO2 emissions 
since 2007, on average, have NOT 
added to the GLOBAL growth 
of CO2 emissions, which are 
primarily from emissions growth
in developing nations, such as 
India and China !

The American Lung Association's
2019 State of the Air Report 
is politically driven 
climate alarmism,
not based on real science.

Politics trumps real science again.

And that's why this blog exists !