Climate change,
as defined by leftists,
means a lot more
than two very
generic words.
No one can deny
the climate changes !
But "climate change"
really means a coming
climate catastrophe, with
runaway global warming !
No one with sense
would predict that !
That's why
I used to claim
"climate change"
was a "hoax".
President Trump,
who appears to know
next to nothing
about climate science,
has called climate change
a "hoax" instigated by
the Chinese, in one of
his infamous tweets,
a long time ago.
So, if I continue to use
the word "hoax", people
compare me to Trump,
and I don't want that.
It is a hoax for anyone
to claim the CO2 level
controls the climate,
so that estimating
the future CO2 level
in the atmosphere
will tell us the future
average temperature.
- Rising CO2 levels
were accompanied by
rising global temperatures
only 1/3 of the time
from 1940 through 2018.
It is also a hoax
to claim that rising
CO2 levels in the
atmosphere could
cause anything
more than harmless
warming, no more than
+1 degree C.
over the next 100 to 200
years, mainly in the
colder, higher latitudes,
during the six
coldest months.
-- Rising CO2 levels
since 1940 were
accompanied by +0.6
degrees C. warming
since 1940, with no
scientific proof CO2
caused any of the warming.
It is also a hoax
to claim that the
average global
temperature is based
on data so accurate
that the margin
of error is only
+/- 0.1 degrees C.
-- Over half the surface
"grids" of our planet,
5 degree latitude by
5 degree longitude,
have no thermometers,
or have missing data,
so a majority of the 2,592
grid cells used for the
average temperature
compilation, include
wild guesses made by
smarmy government
bureaucrats !
So, thanks to
President Trump
tweeting that
climate change
is a "hoax",
for the wrong reason,
I believe using
the word "hoax"
will not communicate
as well as I'd like to.
So from now on,
unless I forget,
I will call
(the coming)
climate change
a "fraud",
rather than
a "hoax" !
And now I'll go back
to reading the latest
climate change
"study" summarized
in the mainstream media,
predicting whatever
bad news the author feels
will get him attention.
It's like a contest for
who can make up the
scariest campfire story !
Such as claiming
it will be so hot
in 50 or 100 years
that Manhattan
will be flooded,
and NYC executives
will have to
take gondolas
down the
flooded streets
to their offices !
I suppose Al "The Blimp" Gore
will have a big New York City
gondola concession !
And the underground
subway cars will have
been replaced
by submarines !
That's how crazy the
scary climate change
predictions are.
We currently have
the best climate for
humans, animals
and plants, in the
past 500+ years,
yet leftist politicians
have convinced
many of their non-
questioning followers
that the current climate
is bad, and getting worse.
That massive fraud
reminds me of how Hitler
convinced most Germans
that the Jews among them,
who were clearly honest
and productive German
citizens, were actually evil !
So evil they needed to be hauled
to "work" camps, based on
the fraudulent junk science
theory of eugenics,
that claimed some people
on our planet were "superior",
and they would be harmed
by the 'inferior' people,
who were reproducing
much too fast.
If relatively intelligent people,
at least measured by their IQs,
such as the Germans, could have
been deluded into believing
fake eugenics "science",
then it is not difficult to believe
many Americans can be deluded
by fake climate "science".
(The coming)
climate change
is a leftist "hoax".
But I'll try to remember
to call it "fraud" !