Darwin and Gove Australia
(Stn. # 014508) are the only two
surface temperature stations
in one 5 degree longitude,
by 5 degree latitude, grid cell,
out of 2,592 grid cells in total
for Earth's surface.
Gove data only go back to 1985.
Darwin data go back to the
early 20th century.
Jennifer Marohasy's blog points out
consistent and brazen manipulation
of Australian temperature data by the
Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM).
Her blog post on the recent changes
to historical Darwin temperatures
is copied below.
Mean maximum annual temperatures
measured at the Darwin Post Office (014016)
and airport (014015) shown with the
new remodeled ACORN-SAT Version 2,
which is the new official record for Australia.
The difference between the raw
Darwin temperatures and the
official BOM temperature
is huge !
The current Acorn-Sat version 2 (Darwin)
now shows nearly +2.0C warming
from 1910 to the present.
But Darwin raw temperatures show
a small decline in temperature
over 100 years or more.
BoM have artificially
"cooled" temperatures
significantly before 1960.
Cool the past, and the
rate of global warming
from then, until now,
Leftists love that !
There was an attempt made
to investigate the BoM in 2015.
Unfortunately the Prime Minister
at the time, Tony Abbott was “deposed”
by his own party and replaced b
y a pro climate change leader
in Malcolm Turnbull,.
The BoM investigation was abandoned.
Do we really needs global averages
with all these "adjustments" ?
Non-modified local and regional land
temperature charts show the 1930’s
were not that much different than today
( 1930's were actually warmer in the US ).
Earth is not experiencing unprecedented
warming on land, which is where we all live
and grow / produce most of our food.
People in the 1930’s
could read a thermometer.
Massaging these figures
with a computer just gives
government bureaucrat data
manipulators the chance
to change the historical record,
and make a "new" record that better
supports the coming climate change
Note 1:
Problems with old fashioned
glass thermometers:
-- The accuracy of the old glass thermometer s
was at best +/- 0.5 degrees C.,
but probably worse than that at many stations.
-- Physical observations were a few times a day
( what happened if someone got sick? ),
versus continuous automatic observation now.
-- Physical writing and reporting of results,
a few times a day, versus continuous
recording by a computer now.
-- Glass mercury thermometers
were not re-calibrated every year,
as they should have been
per current protocol, versus
modern thermo couples
calibrated every year.
Note 2:
Earth's Surface Gridding:
Gridding reduces the dominance of
areas where temperature stations
are historically overrepresented:
The USA, and to a lesser extent,
Europe and Japan.
For the US, 6 % of the total land surface
is represented by 50% of the world's
land temperature stations.
A surface grid cell with 20 stations in it
may result in a more accurate average
temperature, than one with only two stations
in it, but no grid cell is more important than
any other grid cell.
The real problem is when a grid cell has
no weather stations, or has missing data
for any month ( more than 50% of grids )
so that government bureaucrats
get to wild guess the "right" numbers
for the "infilling" needed to calculate
the global average temperature.
These government bureaucrats have predicted
significant global warming since the 1980s.
They are only hired if they believe in
significant global warming from CO2.
Can they be trusted to "infill" missing data
with no bias towards estimating more
global warming than actually happened ?
ClimateGate hacked emails, in 2009 and
2011, strongly indicate pro-warming bias,
and political bias, not objective science,
among government bureaucrats with
science degrees.
Note 3:
Darwin Site Information:
Site name: DARWIN
Site number: 014015
Latitude: 12.42 °S
Longitude: 130.89 °E
Elevation: 30 m
Locality: Darwin, NT
First year of available data: 1910
The airport site (014015)
has been operating since
February 1941.
An automatic weather station
was installed on 1 October 1990
and became the primary instrument
on 1 November 1996.
The site moved about 900 m east
(along the southern edge of the airport)
on 7 August 2001, with observations
at the original site continuing
under the station number 014040
until June 2007.