Humans are
not creating
some new form
of the CO2 molecule
when burning
fossil fuels,
and releasing CO2
to the atmosphere.
The "man made" CO2
added to the atmosphere
was previously
in the atmosphere.
And when it was
in the atmosphere
millions of years ago,
that CO2 did not cause
runaway global warming !
CO2 in the atmosphere
back then was later
naturally sequestered as
carbon in coal, oil,
natural gas, and limestone,
many millions of years ago.
Humans 'dig up' and burn
huge quantities of fossil carbon.
The climate zealots
get hysterical, and claim
adding CO2 back
into the atmosphere
will cause runaway
global warming.
They have no idea
that the CO2
was in the air
millions of years ago !
And our planet had
no runaway warming
back then.
That's why we know
putting some of the CO2
back into the air
will not cause runaway
warming in the future !
There is no actual science
to back up the scary claim
of runaway global warming
from humans adding CO2
back into the air!
No actual science,
just a wild guess theory
that makes no sense!
Almost all of the 4.5 billion year
history of our planet included
more CO2 in the air than today,
according to geologists.
Based on ice core proxy studies,
CO2 levels were at their lowest level
ever about 20,000 years ago
( about 180 parts per million, or ppm )
Most of the plants that humans
and farm animals eat would have
stunted growth at 180 ppm,
and most would not survive
if CO2 levels fell below 150 ppm.
Humans are blamed for
increasing the CO2 level
from 275 ppm in 1750
( ice core proxy estimates ),
to 410 ppm today
( Mauna Loa real time measurements ).
Most of that CO2 increase
is claimed to be man made.
I have no reason to debate
the unprovable claim
that humans caused
a +110 ppm increase,
from 300 ppm in 1920
to 410 ppm in 2019,
because I consider that
to be good news
for our planet.
The atmospheric CO2 increase
in the past 20,000 years
was from 180 ppm to 410 ppm.
Huge glaciers melted
from natural causes,
and sea level rose 400+ feet.
That CO2 rise was just in time
to keep green plants growing
-- and that almost makes
this long time atheist
believe in miracles !
Based on real science,
not the usual climate change
hysteria, I want humans
to keep increasing
the CO2 level to at least
the 800 ppm to 1,200 ppm level
that would promote maximum
green plant growth.
Greenhouse owners
already enrich greenhouse
CO2 levels, from 410 ppm
to roughly 1,000 ppm,
to accelerate plant growth,
and they are certainly
experts at growing plants.