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Monday, April 15, 2019

NASA even alters raw temperature data -- “Just trust us” is not real science

NASA-GISS is altering 
their historical 
"unadjusted data", 
to create more 
global warming
out of thin air.

Use of the term "adjusted data"
is a trick to disguise the fact 
that what they are talking about 
is really their interpretation 
of “raw unadjusted data". 

But "raw data" are 
being "adjusted" too !

This is known as 

It has become a global "standard", 
among climate monitoring groups, 
to ensure the historical temperature
data record more closely matches 
their 'precious' climate models.

"Truth" is not a leftist value !

Some climate skeptics who carefully 
save old versions of raw data, 
noticed that scientists at NASA-GISS 
have been altering "raw" temperature data
to show more warming, probably so
their further "adjustments" to the 
"raw data", creating additional warming,
don't look so suspicious.

A Reykyavik, Iceland example 
is shown in the chart below:

A Hachijojima, Japan example 
is shown in the chart below:

Activist scientists at NASA GISS 
are rewriting climate history !

They’ve done this 
on a global scale, 
cooling past 
with "adjustments"
they have been 
making since 1987
so that between one-quarter,
and one half, of the claimed
+1 degree C. warming
since 1880, is from "adjustments"
to raw temperature data.

If these government bureaucrats
had a reputation for honesty,
I'd assume their "adjustments"
were done for good reasons.

But they are far from being honest,
as clearly demonstrated in hacked 
2009 and 2011 "ClimateGate"
eMails !

Comparing NOAA's  v1 to v4, 
of the global average temperature,
shows a large cooling of the past,
when you compare the same 
temperature stations in the
different versions.

The latest v4 has the coolest past.

"Cooling the past" increases
the amount of global warming,
when you don't cool the 
current temperature too .

"Scientists" discussed cooling 
the early 20th century, in the
hacked ClimateGate" eMails, 
saying “correcting” it would be 
“good” for the cause.

After the 1970s, they removed 
roughly 4,500 of 5,500 
temperature stations 
that had been contributing to the 
worldwide database, and most 
of the stations removed were
located in colder, rural areas.

Since 2008, NASA added +0.24°C 
to the 1900-2000 warming trend, 
mostly by cooling the past 
to create a steeper rise of
global warming.

In 2010, NASA decided that they 
needed to “correct” a cooling trend
in the oceans by changing the data.

In 2015, NASA added a small amount 
of warming to the oceans to turn the 
1998 to 2015 global warming "pause" 
into a slight warming trend.

NASA’s GISSTEMP puts out a 
Land Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) 
on a monthly basis and about 
25% of the monthly entries 
are rewritten. 

NASA does not archive the monthly 
LOTI releases, and only a fraction of them 
are available on the Internet Archives 
WayBack Machine, but it is reasonable 
to conclude that since 1997 nearly 
100,000 changes have been made
to the data !

These changes go on every month.

In 2016, a letter from 300 scientists 
asked Congress: "to assure that the 
Data Quality Act is complied with, 
which NOAA has not done 
regarding both the U.S. and global 
empirical temperature observations.”

Many "adjustments" have been made
multiple times to the same historical data. 

"Adjustments" to the same data 
are ongoing, meaning something
is seriously wrong with the "science".

If there was anything left of ethics 
among the government bureaucrat
"climate scientists", they would always 
show both the raw data and their 
interpretations of it, with a detailed 
scientific explanation for their 
interpretation of the raw data.

This won't work if "raw data"
are "adjusted" too !

“Trust us” is not real science !