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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Risk Of Poverty, Lower Incomes, and Increased Energy Costs are ‘Directly Linked With Renewable Energies’

Risk Of Poverty, 
Lower Incomes, 
Increased Energy Costs 
‘Directly Linked With 

A new academic paper tells us 
the “shift from fossil fuels” 
to renewable energy 
“has virtually doubled 
the price of electricity,” 
increasing the risk poverty. 

It concludes that the results 
“for society and economy 
have not been those expected 
or desired.”

Following Germany’s lead, 
other European Union nations 
rushed to subsidize solar power 
installations with high rates and 
20-year contracts, even though 
the technology is “still inefficient, 
and geographical conditions 
are mostly unfavorable” 
in that part of the world.

Among the sources, it cites
is a 2012 analysis: 
"Germany’s Solar Cell Promotion: 
An Unfolding Disaster", 
explaining how Germany’s 
Renewable Energy Act 
led to “explosive costs” 
in exchange for 
negligible environmental 
and employment benefits.

2005-2015 data 
from 15 EU countries 
indicates energy costs increase, 
household poverty risks rise, 
and incomes decline, as more
renewable energies (solar / wind)
 are used. 

Dr. Tadesse Weldu Teklu affirms 
“CO2 emission (energy consumption) 
is directly correlated to economic 
prosperity and industrialization.” 

Least developed countries 
such as Ethiopia should 
“increase her CO2 emission 
per capita as much as possible” 
to escape from the renewables-centered 
“poverty trap” foisted upon them by 
“Earth-friendly” wealthy countries. 

Fossil fuel consumption will continue 
to grow and maintain a similar share 
to today’s (~80%) by 2040 despite 
symbolic Paris agreement gestures.