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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Science has become politicized

Since the fake 
1960's DDT scare,
science has been 

And junk science 
has become common.

The result is fake, or 
grossly exaggerated,
public health scares: 
Acid rain.

Hole in the ozone layer.

Global cooling.

GMO foods.


The biggest fake scare of all
is the "coming climate change 

Real science doesn't matters
to "environmentalists", 
and other scaremongers.

“The data doesn’t matter. 

We’re not basing 
our recommendations 
on the data. 

We’re basing them 
on the climate models.”
- Prof. Chris Folland, 
Hadley Centre for Climate 
Prediction and Research

“I believe it is appropriate 
to have an ‘over-representation’ 
of the facts on how dangerous it is, 
as a predicate for opening 
up the audience.”
- Al Gore, 
Climate change activist

”No matter if the science 
of global warming is all phony
... climate change provides 
the greatest opportunity 
to bring about justice 
and equality in the world.”
- Christine Stewart,
 former Canadian Minister 
of the Environment

“It doesn’t matter what is true, 
it only matters what people
 believe is true.”
- Paul Watson, 
co-founder of Greenpeace

Government-sanctioned propaganda,
supported by junk science,
has replaced real science.

Government bureaucrats with 
science degrees will predict
whatever they have to predict, 
to keep their paychecks coming.

They have become self serving
salesmen with a political agenda
-- creating a fake "crisis".

Because if a "crisis" is coming, 
their jobs and pensions are secure !

Meanwhile, the bureaucrat
scientists support politicians ,
with the climate change 
scaremongering they demand.

Using that junk science,
leftist politicians can make 
their own self serving claim:
 Only a more powerful
central government,
"can save the planet
for our children". 

It's all about making money,
while virtue signaling that
you are trying to save a
planet (that doesn't need saving).

Computer games ( aka "models" )
that make grossly inaccurate
climate predictions, have replaced 
established scientific facts.

Modern "climate change"
is junk science -- no claim is
challenged by the mass media,
and no claim can be falsified.

While making a false claim 
of a coming climate change
catastrophe, the older term
"global warming", has been 

So now, even an unusually cold 
winter, with lots of snow, can be 
blamed on "climate change" !

Global warming can cause
cold winters ?

And many gullible left-wing
Americans actually believe that !