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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Short Subject #1 -- NASA-GISS predicts a coming climate catastrophe ... and then gets to calculate the global average temperature -- a HUGE conflict of interest

NASA consistently 
claims more 
global warming than 
both weather satellite 
weather balloons,
and NOAA's 
( US Commerce Dept.)
rural weather station 

In 1988, James Hansen publicized 
his 'dangerous global warming' theory 
in testimony before the US Senate. 

For the next 27 years, Hansen was the 
chief scientist at NASA, in charge of 
preparing global temperature estimates. 

The NASA estimate consists of 
a majority of made up numbers 
( aka "infilling" ) and 
adjusted raw data.

And they get to make 
the "adjustments".

The desire to produce
the global warming they predicted
influences the inputs, methods, 
and findings, of their "science"

Alarming results,
such as: 
“hottest ever!” 
“disaster predicted” 
“urgent action needed”,
generate headlines; 
speaking engagements; 
trips to climate conferences,
and additional funding 
for more research. 

Scientists who find mild,
harmless warming 
get no publicity; 
no funding; 
and are attacked 
as “pro big oil", 
or called
“climate science deniers.”

Thousands of scientific papers 
disagree with NASA claims, 
but get little, or no,
media coverage, 
and their data 
are NEVER included
in NASA’s temperature

Trillions of dollars 
are being spent 
to avert a predicted 
global warming
temperature crisis
... that is NOT happening.