This is an edited, much better
version, replacing the original article,
Ye Editor, April 13, 2019:
Ye Editor, April 13, 2019:
There's far too much
climate predicting.
The climate predictions
are always wrong !
That means there's
too much climate believing,
and not enough critical thinking.
The coming climate change
catastrophe is the original
fake news.
Our planet does not have
a climate change problem.
20,000 years ago we had a
huge climate change problem:
95% of Canada, and what are now
the cities of Chicago and Detroit,
were covered by thick ice glaciers.
Many people don't know that,
or don't think of it, but I do,
because we live five miles north
of Detroit's northern border,
and I can't ice skate.
There's no logical reason to expect
a future climate change problem,
just because some scientists
have been predicting one for 60+ years.
There is no logical reason to expect
the global average temperature to
be up over +0.1 or +0.2 degrees C.
in the next ten years ... or it could
decline just as much.
No one knows the future climate.
Except the climate liars !
Does the global average temperature
record below look like easy to predict
"settled science"?:
1860 to 1875 = temperature up for 15 years
1875 to 1890 = down for 15 years
1890 to 1903 = up for 13 years
1903 to 1918 = down for 15 years
1918 to 1941 = up for 23 years
1941 to 1976 = down for 35 years
1976 to 1998 = up for 22 years
1998* to date = down for 21 years, so far
1890 to 1903 = up for 13 years
1903 to 1918 = down for 15 years
1918 to 1941 = up for 23 years
1941 to 1976 = down for 35 years
1976 to 1998 = up for 22 years
1998* to date = down for 21 years, so far
- 1860 to 1978 were measured using non-global surface thermometers
- 1979 and after were measured using global, and much more accurate,
weather satellites
- "1998" would be "2003", if I ignored the brief El Nino heat peak in 1998
The claim that there IS a climate change
problem, is 60+ years of fake news !
In fact. actual PAST climate change
has been wonderful, with Earth's
climate getting better for 300+ years.
No more cold periods, as we had
during the Little Ice Age, from
about 1300 to 1850.
The planet is also significantly 'greening;
from more CO2 in the air, as measured
by satellites:
Actual PAST climate change
has been 100% good news.
Predicted FUTURE climate
change is always imagined
to be 100% bad news !
As far as I can tell, no one
has ever predicted good news
climate change, which is what
has actually happened,
except for me !
Bad news climate change
only exists in overactive
leftist imaginations.
Bad news climate change
never shows up in real life !
Fake bad news.
Global warming actually stopped
from 2003 through 2018, per
UAH satellite measurements.
The mainstream media
won't mention that fact,
so you may not know.
No global warming for 15 years,
yet Democrats are more hysterical
about climate change in 2019,
than ever before !
The original fake news
was the global warming
problem, predicted since
the late 1950s, by scientist
Roger Revelle, Al Gore's hero.
Over the next 30 years,
Revelle's potential CO2
global warming problem
had morphed into a coming
climate change catastrophe,
believed by many scientists !
The primary climate change
since the 1970s has been
intermittent warming,
mainly in the higher, colder
latitudes, mainly in the
six coldest months of the year,
and mainly at night.
That's good news for the
few people who live in those
high, cold latitudes !
As the climate keeps getting
better, climate scaremongering
escalates, and climate junk
science reached a new heights
of stupidity in 2019, led by Ms.
Alexandria Occasionally Coherent !
The good news, besides the
current climate, is that the
climate scaremongering
is the reason this blog exists !
Believe whatever you want
about the future climate.
I chose to believe in real science.
Real science does NOT include
wild guesses about the future
Real science can NOT explain
the causes of mild climate change,
of 1 or 2 degree C., over a century
or two.
There is a good theory to explain
why 95% of Canada was covered
by ice glaciers 20,000 years ago,
and why they had melted by about
10,000 years ago: Changes in
planetary geometry:
Earth Cycles That Affect Climate:
100,000-year elliptical orbit cycle
41,000-year axial tilt cycle
23,000-year precession (wobble) cycle
Other than expecting
100,000-year ice ages,
real scientists can NOT
predict the future climate.
People with science degrees
can be paid to predict anything,
but wrong predictions are NOT
real science.
"Climate Change" is wild guess
wrong predictions of a coming
climate change catastrophe,
NOT real science.
It doesn't matter if the person
making the climate prediction
has an advanced science degree,
works for a government agency,
dresses well, speaks well, and
states his or her climate change
prediction with great confidence !
To prove that:
We have a 60+ year track record
of 100% wrong climate predictions,
from well dressed, confident government
bureaucrats with science degrees !
We also have a 55+ year track record
of 100% wrong environmental
catastrophe predictions, starting
with false DDT claims in the
early 1960's, and then acid rain,
and the hole in the ozone layer,
among the many now forgotten
environmental boogeymen !
Earth’s Recent Climate History:
600 to 200 BC = Cold period
200 BC to 600 AD = “Roman Warming”
600 to 900 = Cold period
900 to 1300 = “Medieval Warming”
1300 to 1850 = “Little Ice Age”
1850 to date = “Modern Warming”
600 to 900 = Cold period
900 to 1300 = “Medieval Warming”
1300 to 1850 = “Little Ice Age”
1850 to date = “Modern Warming”
The 1690s were the coldest
period of the "Little Ice Age"
-- so cold that there were
some famines in Europe.
People prayed for global warming,
and over 300 years of warming
followed !
Those 300+ years of global warming
were good news.
It's at least +2 degrees C. warmer now,
than it was in the 1690s !
The climate alarmist claim,
that +2 degrees C. of warming
would cause a climate disaster,
is more fake news:
+2 degrees C. already happened --
and it was good news all the way !
Roughly 1940,
the era of fossil fuels,
and man made
CO2 emissions, began:
Fossil fuels were burned
without modern pollution
controls, so the side effect
was air pollution.
But there was
no global warming
for the next 35 years.
Actually, there was
mild global cooling !
Government bureaucrats
claimed the global cooling
was due to air pollution
-- aerosols / particulates
in the air blocking sunlight,
that overpowered the
CO2 greenhouse effect.
Then, in 1975, a global
warming trend began.
So, did the air pollution
instantly fall out of the air
in 1975 !
Of course not.
More fake news !
From 1975 to 2003:
Man made CO2 emissions and
the global average temperature,
both increased at the same time.
That never happened before 1975,
and so far, never after 2003.
Global warming stopped,
in 2003, per data from
UAH weather satellites.
The global average temperature
fluctuated every year, but there
was no net temperature increase
over 15 years:
In 2015, government bureaucrats
were quite upset after 12 years
with no global warming.
They had offered over 50 different
explanations why CO2 levels
were rising, but the global
average temperature was not.
Skeptics ridiculed the 50+
wild guesses used to explain
the "pause" of global warming.
Then In 2015, the smarmy
government bureaucrats,
arbitrarily "adjusted" the
global average ocean
temperatures warmer, and
the global warming "pause"
magically "disappeared"
in one day !
There is still a flat global
average temperature trend,
from 2003 through 2018,
if you look at a chart of the
global average temperature
... but suddenly it had
a slight rising trend !
Democrats love
scary wild guess
predictions of a
FUTURE climate
( that will never happen ).
Democrats love
virtue signaling:
Claiming they
are "trying to
save the planet
for the children".
Democrats love
a crisis, real or fake,
as a great opportunity
to further empower
the government ( to be
controlled by Democrats
some day in the future ),
to tell people how to live.
Democrats love
telling people how to live !
The red "136 thermometers"
chart on the blog home page,
showing the average global
absolute temperature
for each year,
from 1880 to 2016,
using a simple row
of glass thermometers,
infuriates Democrats !
Actual past temperature data
are something Democrats hate !
Scary climate predictions,
are something Democrats love !
Some Democrat fools are now
predicting the world will end
in 12 years from climate change !
They demand that the very
successful US economy be
destroyed, with an unaffordable
$100 trillion Green New Deal,
that makes no sense, unless
your goal is to destroy capitalism.
The Green New Deal would
INCREASE global greenhouse
emissions, during the decade of
manufacturing a huge number
of new solar panels and wind turbines.
And global greenhouse emissions
would continue to INCREASE
after that first decade, because
China, India, and other Asian nations,
have no interest in destroying
their own economies, with
their own Green New Deals !
Could the flat temperature trend
since 2003 be the root cause of the
incredible ramp up of climate
change hysteria in recent years ?
Democrats are demanding that
EVERYONE must believe what they
believe, and character attacking
EVERYONE who recognizes that
the current climate is wonderful,
and every past prediction of
environmental doom in history,
In the "age of man made CO2",
since 1940, there was only
+0.6 degrees C. of global warming
in the 78 years through 2018.
That' s an average of only
+0.077 degrees C.
of global warming
per decade.
And it was intermittent warming:
2/3 of the time after 1940, there was
no global warming, even as CO2 levels
rose in every decade -- reality does not
match the so-called "settled science"
( the predicted, rapidly rising global
warming in EVERY decade, something
that has never happened in real life ! ).
Yet government bureaucrats
have been continuously predicting
over +0.3 degrees C. global warming
per decade.
The bureaucrats predict more than
quadruple the warming that actually
happened after 1940, yet they never
admit how wrong they've been !
And the leftist-biased mainstream media
never reports the many decades
of grossly inaccurate climate predictions !
The global warming from
1975 to 2003 could have had
100% natural causes, or
100% man made causes,
or some combination of causes
-- no one knows.
Except government bureaucrats,
who falsely claim they KNOW
-- it was man made CO2, because
they say so, stated with great
confidence, and fanfare !
No real "scientific proof",
just a meaningless:
" Because we say so ! "
For most people,
the climate fantasy world
is more fun than
real climate science !
The always wrong, computer game
coming climate change catastrophe
forecasts -- have been wrong
for about 30 years, so far !
Climate computer models,
developed in the 1970's,
on average, have predicted
triple the global warming
that actually happened
since then.
I suppose that's good enough
for "government work" ?
Yet almost all Democrats
still "believe" every new
climate catastrophe prediction !
In real science,
wrong predictions
would be a failure,
falsifying the theories
used to construct
the climate models !
But in climate junk science,
decades of wrong predictions
do not matter -- they just get
repeated year after year !
The wrong model predictions
are based on a 1970's-era
"formula", predicting strong
consistent global warming
effects from CO2.
That formula is obviously wrong,
but the government bureaucrats
never change their formula !
Dingbat Marxists, such as Ms.
"Alexandria Occasionally Coherent",
claim future climate change
is an "existential threat",
and the world will end in 12 years !
While logical people like me
report that past global warming
was 100% good news,
and future global warming
is likely to be 100% good news too.
One of us is wrong !
( did I mention she's a dingbat ? )
More CO2 in the air is
'greening' our planet,
just like more CO2
is often added inside
greenhouses, to
accelerate plant growth,
by the greenhouse owners,
who BUY their own
CO2 enrichment systems.
I often mention real air, water
and land pollution in Asia,
as great examples of real
environmental problems,
that "environmentalists" ignore.
I guess most Americans
have little, or no, interest
in Asian pollution.
Another recent article on the blog
lists many American problems
that need solutions -- and climate
change is NOT one of them: