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Thursday, April 25, 2019

The IPCC uses science fraud to define CO2 as a STRONG, dangerous greenhouse gas for the always wrong climate models, ignoring actual mlld global warming in real life

The UN's Intergovernmental 
Panel on Climate Change 
( IPCC ),
when discussing 
the greenhouse 
effects of CO2, 
uses the concept 
of idealized dry air. 

You can create dry air 
in a science laboratory,
as an artificial gas that 
does not occur in nature.

There is no such thing 
as dry air in nature. 

Even deserts have moisture.

For the UN's IPCC reports
on the greenhouse effects of CO2,
ignoring liquid water (clouds)
and water vapor, is committing 
science fraud,

Because including water vapor 
in the air changes the calculations 
of the effects of other greenhouse gases.

It's a serious problem
that global climate models 
don't capture clouds 
( liquid H2O ), 
or changing 
water vapor 
( gaseous H2O )
in their calculations.

Water vapor is a 
greenhouse gas,
in the atmosphere.

The concentration 
of water vapor 
in the atmosphere
near the surface 
in the tropics, 
is about 100 times greater 
than the concentration
of carbon dioxide, 
another greenhouse gas. 

Water vapor reduces 
the influence of other
greenhouse gases, 
especially carbon dioxide, 
and methane.

The absorption capability 
of greenhouse gases 
in the atmosphere ,
WITH water vapor,
is very different from 
the absorption capability 
in a laboratory, 
WITH NO water vapor,
used for IPCC claims.

The hi-resolution transmission 
molecular absorption database 
( HITRAN ), at Harvard,
us used to predict and 
simulate the transmission 
and emission of light 
in the atmosphere.

The absorption capability 
of methane is slightly greater 
than 4 times the absorption 
capability of CO2
– not the 200 plus times 
greater claimed by the IPCC.

In the lower troposphere, 
where most of the greenhouse 
effect occurs, water vapor is 
up to 100 times more 
concentrated than CO2. 

Calculations indicate the influence 
of water vapor is 14 times greater 
than CO2. 

The IPCC does NOT calculate 
what is actually happening 
in the atmosphere. 

That is deliberate science fraud !

That's why their climate models, 
on average, grossly over predict
actual global warming.

The actual warming rate
since 1940 was only
1/4 of the warming rate 
climate models predict.

The actual warming rate 
since 1979 was only
1/3 of the warming rate 
climate models predict.

The fear of CO2 is built on 
long-term predictions 
from global climate models ,
that are grossly inaccurate
-- wrong for over 30 years !

The basic physics of IR 
( Infrared Radiation ) 
strongly suggests CO2
should cause mild warming 
in the troposphere.

Some global warming 
may be caused by 
adding CO2 to the
atmosphere -- that's an
assumption, not a fact.

It's impossible to measure 
how much warming is caused 
by man made CO2, and how 
much warming has natural causes.

There is evidence that man made CO2 
has caused some warming since 1940,
and just as much evidence that the 
global warming had natural causes.

The percentages of each cause are unknown.

What is known are the positive effects 
of adding CO2 to the atmosphere, 
on plant growth, clearly visible 
with the greening of our planet.

The negative effects of adding CO2
to the atmosphere are something
no one has seen, or measured, in the 
past 78 years.

The negative effects of CO2 exist only in
overactive imaginations of smarmy
leftists, who use a false threat of CO2
in an effort to control and tax energy use
on this planet ! 

The negative effects of burning fossil fuels
depends on whether or not the burning
is done with modern pollution controls.

CO2 itself, however, is not pollution.

We need to measure the energy flow 
from the Earth, through the atmosphere, 
to space.

This infrared energy heat transfer process
must be measured from space. 

That can be done with weather satellites,
which do exist, but the IPCC completely
ignores them.

The satellites are ignored
because they measure
LESS global warming 
than the far less accurate 
surface instruments, 
which do not have close 
to global coverage, 
yet are used to compile 
a surface global average 
temperature ! 

Real science can NOT be done 
with IPCC models, 
based on theories from the 1970s, 
that have grossly over predicted
global warming for over 30 years, 
but the theories are NEVER revised !

It's important to understand what is 
really happening in the atmosphere,
versus the fantasy world 
of computer models.

There are reports that climate modelers
preparing for the next IPCC assessment 
report  ( IPCC AR6, due 2021 ) 
are being asked to 
increase the warming 
effect of CO2 in their models.

More science fraud.

I suppose the current models, predicting 
quadruple the actual warming rate
since 1940 ( the cause of the warming
is unknown ) are not scary enough !

Climate models are NOT real science.

Their predictions are NOT data.

Models are climate astrology, 
when they make wrong predictions,
that are used to scare people.

And scared people 
are much more easily 
controlled by smarmy 
leftist politicians.

And that's the 
climate change game !