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Monday, April 8, 2019

The Top Ten Climate Science conclusions presented at this "The Honest Global Warming Chart" blog

The Top Ten 
climate science
presented at this: 

"The Honest Global 
Warming Chart" blog:

( sorry, no scary wild guess
predictions of a future
climate change catastrophe here,
as in the usual "climate change"
fiction in the mainstream media
-- that's junk science, not 
real climate science )

Earth's current climate 
is the best it has ever been, 
for the well being of humans, 
pets, and other animals,
in at least 300 years, and 
possibly in thousands of years !

If we continue to add
CO2 to the atmosphere, 
which I strongly favor 
when done with modern
pollution controls,
the climate will eventually 
be optimum for green plant 
growth too. 
( they prefer 800 
to 1,200 parts per million 
of CO2 in the air, 
vs. 410 ppm today).

The claim that CO2 "controls 
the climate" is not correct 
-- it must is a minor variable,
because in most decades 
since 1940, there was no 
positive correlation 
of CO2 levels and the global
average temperature 
( using the best available 
temperature measurements ).

No one can predict 
the climate 100 years 
in the future 
... or 10 years 
... or even 1 year 
in the future,
because the causes 
of climate change 
are not known 
with any precision.

As proof, we have 
over 60 years 
of predictions 
of a coming
climate catastrophe 
that were wrong.

The global average temperature 
of Earth's surface has remained 
in a narrow one degree C. 
range since records were kept 
139 years ago ( 1880 ).

Closer to a 0.5 degree C. range 
based only on the raw data, 
ignoring many questionable 
“adjustments” of historical 
temperature data, 
made in recent decades.

( Note: the global temperature range 
I used excludes brief, local heat peaks
from El Nino temperature spikes,
in 1998 and late 2015 / early 2016 
-- El Nino's are natural, cyclical 
heat releases from the Pacific Ocean, 
not caused by CO2. ) 

A one degree C. global average 
temperature range in 139 years 
is unusually stable for a planet 
where the climate is always 
changing ( a planet not in 
thermodynamic equilibrium) .

The claim that adding CO2 
to the air will cause runaway 
warming is science fraud. 

In fact, it is not obvious 
from the average temperature 
data since 1940 that adding 
man made CO2 has caused 
any of the warming ! 

There WAS warming 
from 1975 to 2003 
in 'the era of 
man made CO2', 
since 1940.

But there was about
two-thirds as much 
warming from 1910 to 1940,
from natural causes, 
before 'the era of 
man made CO2' began !

Nothing unusual happened 
to the climate since 1940, 
that looks different than 
natural climate change, 
but that fact does not stop 
the man made CO2 climate 

During 'the era of man made CO2' 
since 1940, the average global 
(1940 to 1975), 
(1975 to 2003), 
barely changed 
(2003 to 2018), 
as CO2 increased 
in every decade.

That doesn't look like 
"settled science" to me !

If CO2 levels really controlled 
the climate, every decade 
would have had global warming !

 The demonization of the 
beneficial plant food, CO2, 
foolishly takes attention 
and funding away from 
fighting REAL pollution 
of the air, water and land, 
which is especially bad in Asia.

Adding CO2 to the atmosphere 
was, inadvertently, the best thing 
humans have ever done 
to improve our planet 
… along with inventing: 
indoor plumbing, 
central heating, 
air conditioning, 
and most important, 
The Three Stooges !