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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Why does this climate science blog exist ? -- The real reasons !.

Leftists say 'CO2 is evil', 
and we are living in 
an ongoing climate crisis.

It's apparently 
moving so slowly 
they have to pretend 
to be upset about 
tenth of a degree 
climate changes, 
and years claimed 
to be a few hundredths 
of a degree warmer 
than prior years !

A "coming" crisis 
is something leftists
have been predicting 
since the late 1950's, 
but it never comes !

I'm excluding some
predictions of a coming 
global cooling crisis 
in the mid-1970s !

Those are 
forgotten !

The always wrong 
climate predictions 
are anti-science 
aimed at gullible 

Climate change 
scary fairy tales,
that started in 1957, 
by oceanographer 
Roger Revelle,
Al Gore's hero,
are now spearheaded 
by a clueless dingbat, 
or to be polite:
The honorable 
Ms. Clueless Dingbat, 
Democrat Congresswoman, 
from New York, "AOC",
known here as:
Coherent ! 

Oh, by the way, Alexandria, 
the world is NOT going to end 
in 12 years, it's 11 years 
-- you added wrong !

You may think leftists have become 
hysterical about climate change.

In fact, leftists were ALWAYS hysterical
about climate change -- they are just 
MORE hysterical now !

First of all, Trump is president, 
so leftists are hysterical, 
in general, from that alone !

Did you hear Democrats are now 
claiming Trump colluded with 
Bulgarians ?

Another reason for leftists 
to be hysterical is because
the global average temperature 
at the end of 2018, was about 
the same as at the 1998 peak.

Government bureaucrat leftists
just can't alter the historical 
temperature data fast enough,
to hide the "global warming pause", 
but in a few years the "pause" will 
have "disappeared", just like the 
1940 to 1975 cooling trend has 
"disappeared", and the record 
hot 1930s in the US also 
"disappeared", from the 
NASA surface temperature 
record books !

Remember this: 
The same people who make
the scary global warming predictions, 
also own historical temperature records, 
and they create more global warming 
out of thin air, whenever they feel like it.

And they feel like "adjustin' data" often !

That's a HUGE conflict of interest !

Trump calls climate change "a hoax",
for the wrong reason, and never learns
anything about climate science, so he's
a poor spokesman on the subject.

Trump can keep the word "hoax".

I call the coming climate 
change catastrophe a "fraud", 
based on junk science,
which I call "science fraud",
and have explained why
on this blog since 2014.

I've had about 2,200 page views 
in the past month, so I'm happy 
others are interested in my 
public service blog, done for
no pay at all, and no ads too.

No money is wanted
-- money might corrupt me !

I summarize here, 
the climate science 
reading I'd be 
doing anyway, 
as a hobby 
( since 1997 ).

I try to present 
simple explanations 
of climate science -- 
any subject can
be explained simply,
except maybe women.
             ( heh heh )

This blog gives me many 
opportunities to bash leftists, 
for their hysterical 
junk science, 
which I enjoy doing 
even more than reading 
climate science studies !

And, of course, 
all this "work" is really 
my excuse to do 
"detailed research" for my 
Climate Centerfolds blog
no nudity, but probably not good for office viewing
 ... and gives me 
many opportunities 
to tell bad jokes too.

If not for the science fraud, 
I doubt if I would be interested 
in climate science -- it might be 
+0.1 degrees C. warmer
in ten years = so what ?

Why should I, 
or anyone else,
worry about that ?

Worrying about that 
would be as useful as
complaining about 
the weather every day, 
which I do now, 
because I'm 65, and heard 
you're supposed to start 
doing that, and chasing 
children off your lawn, 
starting at age 65. 

getting serious, 
for a change,
there IS an 
climate change 

- Misdiagnosing beneficial 
climate change as part of
a coming climate change 

- Grossly overreacting 
to climate change, and 

- Applying  false "solutions", 
that make life worse,
and more expensive, 
and don't even affect 
the climate by more than 
a tiny amount !

It is called the "Green Ordeal",
I mean the Green New Deal, 
the most ridiculous proposal 
I've heard in my lifetime 
... unless the goal is to destroy 
US capitalism ... and I think
that must be the goal.

If it was feasible, and affordable, 
which it's not even close to being, 
a United States "Green Ordeal"
would have NO effect on the RISE 
of annual GLOBAL greenhouse 
emissions, which the US Energy 
Information Administration claims 
the US has NOT contributed to, 
since 2007 !

Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, Michigan, USA