The southern coastal city
of Albany, Australia,
was "robbed" of
its lowest (coldest) ever
April maximum temperature,
5 degrees C. lower (cooler)
than the prior record in 2014
at the same location !
Albany Airport is an
ACORN weather station
that contributes to the
Australia national average.
The BoM’s official average
maximum temperature
at the airport for April 2019,
without any listing shown
for April 19th, 2019
is 22.2°C.
If the 10.4°C
for 19th April
was included,
rather than "lost",
the April average
would have been 21.5°C.,
0.7 degrees C. cooler
Meaning that the
Australian Bureau
of Meteorology's
convenient "loss"
of the coldest April day
ever recorded at the
Albany Airport,
made that weather
station's monthly
average +0.7°C
warmer than
it really was.
On April 19, 2019,
Bluff Knoll, to the
north of Albany,
experienced its
earliest recorded
snowfall, while
Albany Airport
was experiencing
its coldest April day
Half hourly observations
screenshot (last chart)
shows the airport
struggled to get
to a 10.4°C maximum
at 11am, on April 19, 2019.
Maybe a few decimal
points higher, sometime
between the 9.0°C at 10.30am
and 8.9C at 11.28am.
10.4°C was
the lowest
April maximum
ever recorded
at Albany.
The prior
records were
in 1928 at
Albany township
dating back
to 1907,
in 2014 at the
current Albany
Airport, and
in 1970 at the
previous airport
screen that operated
from 1965 to 2014.
Bureau of Meteorology "lost"
those cold observations,
and Climate Data Online shows
and Climate Data Online shows
no maximum temperature
for Albany Airport on April 19,
or the following four days.
Lowest April maximum temperature
records were set at currently operating
weather stations in Rocky Gully,
North Walpole, Shannon, Katanning,
Bridgetown, Lake Grace, Collie East
and Busselton Aero.
Over the three nights
from April 20th to April 23rd,
many new April
minimum temperature
records were set
at currently operating
weather stations
in Rocky Gully, Ongerup,
Katanning and Newdegate,
( with North Walpole having
its coldest ever night at
6.3°C on April 20th, but then
setting a new record at 6.2°C
the following night, April 21, 2019 )
There was no media mention
of these record cold days and nights.
Record hot Australian days and nights
always get lots of media attention.
Further south,
in the city of Albany
itself, someone
also "forgot" to take
on April 19, 2019
on what was
very likely
the city’s
coldest ever
April day,
Instead the BOM
has inserted 25.1°C
for April 19,
for April 19,
perhaps copied
from April 18
The true maximum temperature
in the City of Albany on April 19th
is unknown, but it wasn’t 25.1°C. !
Albany Airport had no ( "lost"? )
observations from April 20th
to April 23rd.
If the Albany airport had
the same daily maxima
as Albany itself,
on those days
on those days
(14.5°C, 20.4°C, 24.9°C, 21.1°C),
Albany Airport's
ACORN weather station
April maximum
would have been 21.3°C,
which is 0.9°C cooler
than the official
monthly average
maximum of 22.2°C.
In summary,
Two locations have been robbed
of their coldest ever April day:
– Albany Airport ,where there
is no temperature for April 19th,
-- The City of Albany, with a
fictitious 25.1°C.,
at least +14 degrees C. hotter
than the nearby Albany Airport
on the same day,
based on real time screenshots
of data now claimed to be "missing" !
based on real time screenshots
of data now claimed to be "missing" !