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Monday, May 20, 2019

Baresel et al 2017 -- Permian - Triassic mass extinction event

"Timing of 
global regression 
and microbial bloom 
linked with the 
boundary mass extinction: 
implications for 
driving mechanisms"

Björn Baresel, Hugo Bucher, 
Borhan Bagherpour, Morgane Brosse, 
Kuang Guodun & Urs Schaltegger

Scientific Reports volume 7, 
Article number: 43630


95% of marine species 
became extinct during
the Permian-Triassic 
mass extinction event.

Baresel et al 2017 say
the cause was an ice age, 
not global warming, 
as previously claimed.

Science is never settled !

Baresel et al 2017 
say the extinction 
was caused by 
a combination of:

Abrupt cooling causing
falling sea levels and 
marine regression from
a shrinking habitat 
on shelves, and 

Intense acidification 
of the oceans due to 
release of sulphur rich 
volatiles during the 
Siberian Traps volcanism. 

Terrestrial plants were also 
impacted by the drier 
and cooler climate, 
during the abrupt ice age.

I don't know how to 
summarize the 
following details,
without changing
meanings, so I'll
present direct quotes 
from the study:
(I added some commas)

“The mainstream claim 
that the mass extinction 
occurred “during the 
transgressive pulse 
when anoxic 
bottom waters 
often became extensive”,
is untenable in the view 
of our timing from the 
South Chinese record, 
with its locally restricted 
occurrences of Griesbachian 
anoxic marine deposits."

"The duration 
of 89±38kyr 
for the hiatus in the 
Luolou Platform 
can only be 
explained by 
a short term 
marine regression 
of glacio-eustatic origin, 
possibly combined with 
submarine dissolution 
of carbonate, through 
acidification of 
surface waters. …”

“All these observations 
from the Nanpanjiang Basin, 
as well as from other 
relevant sections world-wide, 
must be integrated into 
a coherent causes and 
effects model."

"In this endeavor, 
the volcanogenic sulfur 
aerosol-driven model 
proposed by refs 37 and 38 
provides the most parsimonious 
working frame, with the 
greatest explanatory power."

of volcanogenic 
sulfur volatiles 
and subsequent 
into aerosols 
are seen as 
the proximal cause 
for brief 
climate cooling,
and ensuing 
global regression, 
provided that 
the cooling 
was profound enough 
to store water 
as terrestrial ice."

"Sulfur volatiles also provide 
a direct mechanism 
for ocean acidification."

"Abrupt cooling likely resulted 
from the atmospheric injection
of both volcanogenic and 
remobilized SO2 and H2S 
from early Paleozoic evaporites,
by the initial emplacement 
of dykes and sills of the 
Siberian Traps"

"This scenario simultaneously 
accounts for acidification 
of ocean surface waters, 
and for the global regression."

"The synergistic effects 
of shrunken marine habitats 
on continental shelves, 
through a global eustatic 
regression, of fast 
temperature drop down, 
and of substantial acidification, 
are all compatible with the 
new timing proposed here." 

paleontological evidence 
facies interpretations 
and sediment accumulation 
rates are all compatible 
with the volcanogenic sulfur 
aerosol-driven model 
for the PTBME.” 
[ Permian Triassic Boundary 
Mass Extinction Event ]

“The “lethally” hot temperatures 
that were subsequently proposed
as second kill mechanism,
are also irreconcilable 
with our model that involves 
a glacio-eustatic low-stand 
at the PTB". 
Permian Triassic Boundary )

“Abrupt drop down 
of sea surface temperature, 
shrunken habitats on shelves, 
resulting from a global low stand, 
and short-term acidification, 
may all have synergistically 

triggered the PTBME.”