Bee’s pollinating
services are valuable
to the UK economy.
Bees struggle when we
wipe out their habitat,
get rid of their food and
spray the countryside
with pesticides.
Most of the damage
was being done
a century ago.
Published on World Bee Day,
the ‘Bees Under Siege’ report,
by WWF and Buglife,
recommends a number
of conservation actions
to help reverse the
bee population declines
( note that climate change
is NOT even mentioned
in this summary of
report recommendations
from the UK newspaper
"Independent" ):
"Ensure that coastal management plans
protect coastal habitats and
promote the management of sea walls
Safeguard wildlife-rich brownfield sites
and promote beneficial management
Identify opportunities to connect
disjointed habitat fragments and
promote coordinated management
between landowners and landholdings
Local authorities can work with
and support local communities
in urban areas to restore and
create new habitats
Ongoing survey and monitoring
of bee populations
Maintain and increase awareness,
advice, support and funding
for practical delivery projects.
The report also called on
the new Westminster Environment Bill
to be “ambitious enough” to develop
a nature recovery network for bees."
Climate change, habitat loss,
pollution and disease are
allegedly threatening
the pollinators.
The report itself, however,
admits climate change has had
very little negative effect,
and has been positive news,
in many cases.
The WWF acknowledge that
habitat loss is the major factor,
but then play "the climate card"
in their introduction
on their website.
The paragraph
about the report
on the WWF website,
shown below,
says climate change
is the cause of the problem.
A scary "Independent"
( a UK newspaper )
article has a sub-headline
about the report, blaming
"increasingly hot weather":
The short Foreword
of the report,
is actually
a climate change
leftist political
unrelated to the report,
written by two environmental
activists, the WWF CEO, and
the BugLife CEO, where climate
is mentioned negatively four times.
Below is the obviously
very leftist conclusion,
from their Forward:
But the Summary section
of the actual report
mentions the word “climate”
only once, referring to
a possible future threat:
In the body
of the report,
climate change
is barely mentioned,
other than as
an alleged future threat,
an alleged future threat,
for which there is
little evidence presented.
little evidence presented.
( climate change is predicted
to increase extreme events
such as summer droughts,
flooding and storms, which
have not happened in the past,
as CO2 has been added to the
atmosphere ).
Here's the actual
climate change section
of the report:
A look at historical
UK climate data:
The four charts that follow
show that annual variations
in temperature, and rainfall,
overwhelm long term trends,
which have been generally flat
in the past decade or so:
The only effects of climate change
the report found was the spread of
bees' range to the north and west,
which is really not bad news,
along with the introduction
of bees from mainland Europe.
The report mentions 17 species
have gone extinct regionally,
but most of the species were
last recorded prior to 1950,
so we have no idea when
they went extinct !
There are also claimed to be
25 species considered
to be threatened
in the East of England.
The Tufted furrow bee is said
to be struggling in England,
solved by moving north,
"(where) it has some strong
populations in eastern Scotland
and does seem to be declining
more in the south of its range,
which could be linked
to climate change".