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Monday, May 13, 2019

Thank you for 35,000 page views

... including over 2,450
page views in the past 

And over 500
page views 
which I can't 
figure out.
( Maybe there was a rumor
that I had given up on
refuting climate nonsense,
and published photos of many
famous women in the nude?)

In April, I doubled 
the number of articles 
I used to post every week,
and readership increased 
a lot.

That means more people
are considering that 
wild guess, always wrong,
predictions of the future
climate are not real science.

In real science, predictions
have to be based on logical
theories, and the predictions
have to be right, otherwise
the theory is falsified.

Even then, there's always
a chance of a lucky guess.

In climate junk science,
you are judged only by 
how scary your prediction is 
and how much coverage it gets 
in the mainstream media !

I started reading 
about climate science 
as a hobby in 1997.

I wrote only two articles 
about the subject, in 2007 
and 2014, in my economics 
/ finance newsletter

In 2014, I noticed 
the climate change 
predictions had morphed 
into sort of a contest 
for telling "scary 
campfire stories". 

I hate scientists lying to me, 
and publishing wild guesses, 
as if they are real science. 

So, in 2014, I started this 
climate science blog.

I doubled the 
number of articles 
per week in April 2019
because the climate
is getting worse 
than ever, 
with the AOC 
"Green Ordeal" 
and the competing 
Robert Francis 
"hand waver" 
O'Rourke plan.

The leftists have taken us 
up to the top step 
on the climate change
assumption ladder, 
and cut off 
all the lower rungs.

Their only interest now 
is how many trillions of dollars 
the US should spend to fight 
"carbon pollution".

And you will be viciously 
character attacked if you 
just ask a question about 
the (junk) science 
the always wrong,
wild guesses of 
the future climate.

CO2 scaremongering 
is worse than ever !

That's obvious.

And it's scary. 

I consider this blog 
to be a public service,
fighting the climate

As an atheist since I was 
old enough to understand
the word, I may have a unique
perspective on the climate
change "religion".

I see all religions as efforts
to control people through 
imaginary threats, such
as going to "hell" 
(many conventional religions), 
or having Earth 
turn into a hell 
(the climate change religion)
... so you don't have to go 
anywhere else to suffer 
with the climate change religion?

Sorry to offend any readers,
but this is all nonsense to me,
used by leaders to gain power
over the masses.

You probably would not be 
happy if any one religion 
was used to determine 
public policies.

That's why I'm not happy 
that the climate change
religion IS being used
to determine public policies.

The leaders of the climate
change religion are seeking
political power, under a strong
socialist government.

They really don't care
about pollution -- because
pollution in all Chinese and 
Indian cities is completely
ignored, while they demonize
the non-pollution of CO2,
which is actually the staff
of life, 'greening' our planet.

I've been busy recently 
writing my May - June 2019
ECONOMIC LOGIC newsletter, 
so have been posting 
fewer articles here,
in the first half of May, 
compared with April. 

The strangest thing about 
what seems to be a climate
change "religion",  is the 
lack of real science.

"Climate Change"
consists almost 
entirely of 
scary wild guess 
of a bad news 
FUTURE climate,
that never shows up,
in spite of predictions
that started in 1957,
and ramped up rapidly
since the late 1980's.

I have no problem with the 
assumption that CO2 could 
cause some global warming.

I have a big problem with 
evidence-free declarations
that CO2 'controls the 
global average temperature',
and is then blamed for all
global warming, hot summers,
cold winters, bad storms,
and knee pain.

There's no real science to prove
how much warming CO2 
causes in the atmosphere.

Only assumptions.

The global warming measured
after 1940, when CO2 emissions
became important, has been
quite mild -- about +0.6 degrees
C., over 78 years, using global 
UAH weather satellite 
measurements after 1979.

Note that surface temperature 
measurements are far from 
being global, so they require 
lots of "estimates" ( wild guesses ) 
to fill in numbers needed to compile
a global average, for areas where
there are no thermometers,
or some data are missing.

+0.6 degrees C. in 78 years
is equivalent to +0.77 degrees C.
of global warming in 100 years
= totally harmless !

The growth of atmospheric CO2 
since 1940 affected every
decade ... while the the post-1940
global warming was almost entirely
from 1975 to early 2003.

And the warming has not been even
across the globe, even though CO2
levels are similar everywhere.

Actual warming after 1975
has been mainly in places, 
at at times, when warming
was desirable, mainly:
- Colder higher latitudes,
- During the six coldest months of the year,
- At night 

You may wonder why you ONLY
hear about a single global average 
temperature -- a temperature 
that no actually one lives in ?

The obvious answer is that the 
coming climate change crisis
fairy tales would be less scary 
if details of actual past global 
warming were given to the public, 
by an honest mainstream media,
rather than only a global average.

I'm not a person who cares
about predictions -- they are
too often wrong.

And computer models only
predict what programmers
tell them to predict.

I do care that too many people 
with science degrees are
getting attention and
government grants
and/or paychecks, for 
making wild guess predictions
of a "coming climate catastrophe".

Right away, I saw a conflict
of interest -- scientists
predicting a "crisis" 
were almost all 
on government payrolls,
or getting government grants.

Making wrong predictions
didn't seem to be a problem
-- good enough for 
goobermint work !

But those bureaucrats 
with science degrees 
would have lifetime
government job security,
if most people in the US
could be convinced that
a climate crisis was coming,
and scientists were needed
to study it.

No actual crisis would 
have to show up -- 
the fear of a coming
climate crisis
was good enough 
for their job security.

I get no money or fame
from thjis blog ...
but I do hope to get more
people thinking about why 
leftists use obvious junk science
to scare people about a future 
climate that they actually have 
NO ability to predict.

I think the answer is obvious:
-- This is not about the climate.
-- This is not about real science.
-- This is about leftists getting 
a lot more political power 
over the private sector, 
through more control
of their energy use.
-- This is the new way 
to "sell" socialism
( Marxism, if you consider the Green New Deal  ),

As a libertarian since 1973,
I favor less government and
more freedom -- one reason
I did not like Bush, Obama.
or Trump.

Refuting leftist climate
change scaremongering
is not work to me.

The coming climate
change crisis is a lie
-- a 60+ year old lie.

And I don't like 
being lied to.

Richard Greene,
since 1953

since 1965

since 1973

State University of New York, 
at Albany, 1975

Stern School of Business,
at New York University, 1977

Editor of an
and finance
since 1977
( named "ECONOMIC
LOGIC" since 1981 )

Married to 
wonderful wife,
since 1983

Living in 
Bingham Farms, 
since 1987

Retired, lazy bum, 
since January 2005

Editor of the 
Economic Logic Blog,
since 2008

Editor of this
Honest Global
Warming Chart Blog,
since 2014

Editor of the 
Election Circus
politics blog,
since 2016 

that global warming
appears to have 
skipped Michigan !

Does not speak French.

Favorite "philosophers":
- Lawrence "Yogi" Berra
- Groucho Marx

Favorite quote:
“Politics is the art 
of looking for trouble, 
finding it everywhere, 
diagnosing it incorrectly, 
and applying the wrong remedies.” 
            Groucho Marx