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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thank You for 36,000 page views

I don't have a long speech,
and that makes it your lucky day,
because I just thanked you 
for 35,000 page views 
on May 13.

However, I will put in
yet another plea, 
to whoever is in
charge of this
( Al Gore ? , AOC ? )
to send some
global warming 
to southeast Michigan,
where I have lived
since 1977, and just
suffered through 
an unusually cold winter.

At this blog
you will get no
wild guess predictions
of the future climate,
because no one knows.

At this blog,
I will celebrate
the pleasant, 
current climate,
excluding last winter.

Meanwhile, leftists are 
hysterical ( are they 
ever NOT hysterical ? ),
fearing the end of the 
planet from CO2.

We've added lots of CO2
to the air since 1940,
and the biggest change
since then was warmer
winter nights !

Leftists are never "happy",
unless they are miserable.

There are lots of problems
in the world -- adding CO2
to the atmosphere is not
one of them.

Richard Greene,
since 1953

since 1965

since 1973

State University of New York, 
at Albany, 1975

Stern School of Business,
at New York University, 1977

Editor of an
and finance
since 1977
( named "ECONOMIC
LOGIC" since 1981 )

Married to 
wonderful wife,
since 1983

Living in 
Bingham Farms, 
since 1987

Retired, lazy bum, 
since January 2005

Editor of the 
Economic Logic Blog,
since 2008

Editor of this
Honest Global
Warming Chart Blog,
since 2014

Editor of the 
Election Circus
politics blog,
since 2016 

that global warming
appears to have 
skipped Michigan !

Does not speak French.

Favorite "philosophers":
- Lawrence "Yogi" Berra
- Groucho Marx

Favorite quote:
“Politics is the art 
of looking for trouble, 
finding it everywhere, 
diagnosing it incorrectly, 
and applying the wrong remedies.” 
            Groucho Marx